广东省中山市好时光电器有限公司是一家专注装饰风扇灯(ceiling fan light)的新型产品企业,公司位于 中山市横栏镇,毗邻中国灯饰之都-中山古镇仿古欧式风扇,风扇灯(ceiling fan light)产品集照明,艺术观赏,调节室内空气及降温与一体具有现代 简约时尚优雅,典雅华贵之多种家居装饰风格深受各界人土青睐。敬业,忠诚,创新,服务是我们的经营理念,永远向客户提供一流的产品和服务是我 们的宗旨,以现代企业管理制度和独特的企业文化不断向前发展。我们热忱欢迎各界人 士与我们携手合作,共创美好未来Guangdong city of Zhongshan province vane Electric Appliance Co Ltd is a focus lamp decorative ceiling fan new products enterprises, the company is located in Zhongshan high ech Development Zone, adjacent to China lighting capital -Zhongshan Ancient Town Antique style fan, ceiling fan lamp set lighting products, art, indoor air conditioning an...