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  UPIN 优品 — 卫生洁净系统专家,是集研发、生产和销售卫生洁净系统产品的专业制造商,致力于民用和商用卫生洁净领域,是目前同行业中少数具有完善产品线、高度专业化的企业之一。 BEAO 北奥 是优品以崭新概念开创的独具特色的全国性卫浴品牌。专注于卫生间洁净产品的开发、设计、生产,以卓越的品质,以经济、环保、简约的设计理念,为人们创造健康高档的卫浴空间。 多年来,UPIN优品在珠三角投入了大量资金和精力,在深圳、广州、佛山相续建立生产基地和零部件供应关系网络,凭借雄厚的实力及卓越的营销管理团队,产品已畅销全球17个国家和地区。我们在广州成立了营销中心,设立仓库,巩固国际市场的同时全面服务于中国大陆市场,更加快捷地为国内客户提供完整的洁净解决方案和专业系统的产品。 我们致力于与客户建立一个高效、诚信、共赢、长期良好的合作关系,在产品研发中精益求精,在保证产品质量的同时,执着追求产品的环保效果和经济效益,以降低对大自然的污染为己任,以为人们创造健康的环境为使命,让我们的产品更贴近用户的需求,为人们营造一个整洁、明亮、优美的环境,不断地自我超越,领跑在同行业的前列。UPIN — health cleansing system experts, is a research and development, production and marketing of health products, specialized cleaning systems manufacturer, is committed to civil and commercial areas of cleanliness, is the same industry with a complete product line of a small number of highly specialized business one. BEAO is to create a superior product with a new concept of the unique national sanitary ware brand. Focus on the bathroom clean product development, design, produce, excellent quality, economic, environmental, simple design concept for people to create a healthy high-end bathroom space.