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  南宁市瑞丹食品有限公司是一家以生产饼干,膨化食品为主,集产、供销,研和品牌营销于一体的现代化食品企业,公司凭借先进的设备、技术,工艺及科学的管理,并始终坚持贯彻“以质量创品牌、以品牌拓市场、以市场求发展”的经营策略,多年来公司生产的系列产品,深受广大消费者的青睐与好评。南宁市瑞丹食品有限公司将以“诚信、敬业、坚韧、创新”的企业精神为宗旨,真诚欢迎海内外有识之士与我们进行商务往来和项目合作,共同发展。Nanning Rui Dan Foods Co., Ltd mainly produces YiTong brand medium and high-grade sugar-free soda biscuits, crispy biscuit . Our products’s advantages are less sugar, With the distinctive flavor of a fermented food,with the mouthfeel of Palate crunchy,with the effect of nourishing the stomach, neutralizing gastric acid, alleviating gastralgia, for which are well received by vast consumers, especially popular among white-collar workers and people who avoid sugar. Our products are sold all over the country and southeast Asian countries.