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  茂名市茂港区港仕电器有限公司是一家集研发生产销售的综合性有限公司,现以形成家电生产品牌系列,我司主要经营的产品有:冰箱、洗衣机、干衣机、酒柜、挂熨机、光波炉、豆浆机、电饭锅、压力锅、烟机、灶具、燃气壁挂炉等电器产品。产品畅销欧美及世界各地。深受消费者喜爱。茂名市茂港区港仕电器有限公司是一家经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。以雄厚的实力、合理的价格、优良的服务与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。诚邀广大商家前来考察、洽谈业务及代理加盟。Maogang District, Maoming City, Guangdong Electric Co., Kongshi. is a set of business R & D production and sales of integrated Co., Kongshi. is to form a household appliance manufacturing brand series, Our main products include: refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, wine cabinets, hanging ironing machine, electronic oven, pasta machine, electric kettle, soybean milk machine, juice machine, rice cooker, pressure cooker, ceramic kettles, toaster and other home appliances. Product best-selling Europe and the United States and around the world. Well received by consumers.Maogang District, Maoming City, Guangdong Electric Co.Kongshi. is a provider by the relevant state departments approving the registration of businesses. With abundant strength, reasonable prices, excellent service and a number of enterprises to establish a long-term relations of cooperation.Majority of businessmen are invited to visit and negotiate business and agents to join.