广州华南万胜酒店用品厂是一家集科研、设计、生产、维护、销售集成一体的专业化公司,多年来致力于酒店用品配套设施的生产与销售,锐意的进取,积极的态度,使公司形成酒店卫生用品,酒店客房用品,酒店大堂用品等,成为众多宾馆、酒店、写字楼等产所的首选配套产品。多年的生产及管理经验、资深的专业工程师、配合国内外先进的生产设备及技术工艺,使产品品质卓越、傲视同行。万盛人在立足本地发展的同时,销售网络延伸至世界各地、更出口到欧洲及中东等各地,在今后的发展过程中,我们将一如既往的追求卓越品质,谋求更高层次的发展,于更多的新老朋友携手共进,共创辉煌。本公司营业产品包括指示牌、垃圾桶、户外休闲、资料架、衣架、擦鞋机、坐地灯箱、酒水车、酒架、煮餐车、栏杆座、行李车、演讲台、服务车、清洁用品、客户用品等等。 万盛本着以高品质、平价位、讲诚信的服务精神,我们将信以真诚、务实、热情的态度为您提供更放心的服务!做您永远可信赖的朋友。展望新世纪,广州市万盛酒店用品有限公司将秉承“一流品质、精诚服务”的经营宗旨,以百倍的热情诚邀各界的新老朋友,行业同仁携手共铸辉煌 。Guangzhou Southern China Konak Saray Hotel supplies factory is a collection of scientific research, design, production, maintenance, sales of integrated professional company, over the years, is committed to the hotel supplies supporting facilities of the production and sales, forge ahead, a positive attitude, the company formed hotel health supplies, hotel supplies, hotel supplies, become many guesthouses, hotels, office buildings and other production by supporting the preferred products. Years of experience in the production and management, senior professional engineers, with domestic and foreign advanced production equipment and technology, product quality excellence, the way peer. People in Wansheng based on the local development, sales network extends to all parts of the world, exports to Europe and the Middle East and other countries around the world, in the future development of the process as in the past, we will strive for excellence in quality, to seek a higher level of development, to more new and old friends hand in hand, create brilliant. The company's business products including signage, trash, outdoor recreation, data rack, racks, shoe machine, raise the box, wine cart, wine rack, dining car cook, railings, baggage car, speech, service vehicles, cleaning supplies, customer supplies etc..