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  东莞市丰熙食品有限公司,位于东莞市大朗镇象山工业园,在这片充满活力和无限创意的土地上,建有先进的厂房和生产设施,专业从事中外休闲食品制造和经营事业。 “为消费者奉献优质美味的食品”是丰熙的不懈追求。成立以来,丰熙公司采用国内先进的生产技术,引进全套国内一流的生产设备,用丰熙人的创意诠释对美味的感悟,从西洋休闲食品和中国传统美食中摄取精华,精心选择各种原料,并严格执行良好生产操作规范(GMP)和食品安全控制(HACCP)等体系,为消费者奉献出饼干蛋卷、糖果巧克力、干果花生、膨化食品及糕点面包等多个系列数十种美味食品。 “为消费者奉献美好的生活体验”是丰熙的崇高理念。在生产美味食品的同时,丰熙公司透过遍布全国数十个城市、上万家终端零售店的营销网络,用丰熙人的真诚,和无数消费者一起,在时光的潮流中找寻着美好生活的浪花和真谛。 时至今日,丰熙食品的优质和美味得到了广大消费者的认可和欢迎,丰熙所追求的生活态度和理念更得到越来越多的消费者的共鸣。欣慰之余,丰熙将以更多的努力,实践自己的承诺,回馈消费者的厚爱。DongGuan SUNSSI Food Co Ltd. has advanced factory building and production facilities, and specializes in manufacturing and marketing recreational Chinese and overseas food in XiangShan Industrial zone, Dalang, a city full of vigor and infinite originality. SUNSSI makes continued efforts to "supply delicious high-quality food for consumers". Since the company was set up, SUNSSI has adopted advanced domestic production technology and first-rate production equipment. Through the originality and comprehension of pleasant flavor by SUNSSI people, we offer scores of delicious food for consumers by combining the quintessence of western recreational food and traditional Chinese one, carefully selecting different raw materials, and strictly implementing quality systems such as GMP and HACCP.