潮州市枫溪德利陶瓷厂是一家专业生产各种中、高档日用瓷配套餐具及工艺礼品瓷的企业。本厂设计人员抱着敢为人先,勇于进取的精神,用新的技术、新的理念、结合高品位质量进行创作生产。并逐渐朝着规模化、现代化方向迅猛前进。 本厂生产的强化骨瓷、贝质瓷,款式新颖,釉面白润;花面设计繁多,器形搭配新奇,且提供产品贴花、釉中彩等。 本厂坚持诚信经营,产品辐射全国各地,远销欧美国际市场,受到国内外广大客户的认可及欢迎。本厂竭诚欢迎海内外客户来函垂询和洽谈订货。 Chaozhou Fengxi Deli Ceramics Factory is an enterprise which specializes in producing various top grade daily caramic matched tableware and arts and crafts gifts ceramic. With the latest technology, best efforts, the best quality of creative production and move towards the scale, the direction of the rapid progress of modernization by the spirit of pionee...