
【公司介绍】  本公司专业生产汽车防滑垫,采用环保原材料,经高温加工液态成型等工序加工而出。本产品依靠橡胶防滑性质,经特殊工艺加工使产品既柔软又有弹性,防滑效果更出色。祛除防滑垫上的灰尘,可用纸巾轻轻擦拭,也可直接用水清洗,可反复使用。方便更便宜。   【company introduction】  This company specialized production car mat, using environmental protection of raw materials, the heat processing liquid molding process and out this product rely on rubber prevent slippery nature, with a special processing technology make products with soft and elastic, prevent slippery effect better fitted to remove the slippery dust, can use paper towel wipe gently, also direct water to clean, can relapse is convenient to use cheaper... [更多]