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大笨钟(也称"大本钟"“大鹏钟”) BigBen 源自于英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼,即威斯敏斯特宫钟塔。这座坐落在英国伦敦泰晤士河畔的钟楼,是伦敦的百年标志性建筑之一,以其准时而闻名,即使是二战中德国法西斯对伦敦的狂轰滥炸也未能将它摧毁。悠久的历史与坚固的传奇,与世界上最坚硬的宝石——钻石所代表的“恒久远“之意义不谋而合。
公司坐落珠宝之城的深圳、罗湖区水贝工业区的中心地带——金丽国际珠宝交易中心,具有十多年的从业经验,专业从事珠宝与手表进出口、批发业务,产品线齐全,事业部全力打造的珠宝腕表品牌在全国38家电视台连锁销售,创造佳绩,深受万千顾客喜爱,批发部所经营产品均通过国家质量监督局,ISO9001,国家珠宝检测中心,GIA等国际多方认证,在国际化日益无缝对接的网络时代,响应国家“十二五”“弘扬民族工业,提升国际竞争力”的发展规划,联合新加坡珠BILLION GOLD珠宝企业、VERE GEMS原料磨石加工厂,台湾设计与香港制作团队,秉持“质量/成本=蓝海价值”的企业经营法则,配套中小金店客户所需可靠、高效、迅捷的宝石钻石空托的完整采购服务!
Big Ben Intl. Co., Ltd.
BigBen brand from the subsidiary in the British Parliament's Clock Tower Conference Hall, Palace of Westminster clock tower. Is located in the Thames in London a bell tower, one of London's landmark buildings. Hundred years, Big Ben has always been known for its time. Nazi Germany in World War II bombing of London also failed it destroyed a long history and strong moral brought the legendary, hard with the world's most precious stones - diamonds represent the meaning coincide, " A diamond is forever, the bell (for life) Biography stay forever! "
Big Ben trade in Shenzhen City, is located in the city known as the reputation of jewelry Shuibei Industrial Zone, Luohu District, the heart - Jinli International Jewelry Trade Center, has over ten years of experience, specializing in diamond imports, wholesale business, Complete product line, operated by the GIA products through international certification, the price is fair and reasonable, and ancillary services and diverse sound.