【品名】:冷柜搁架【规格】:【重量】:【材料】电镀铁线【产品说明】:所有产品图片均采用实物拍摄,绝对原厂全新,绝对不卖假冒伪劣产品,其中图片不排除受光纤、角度、摄影环境等影响导致图片偏差的存在。(可根据客户要求的尺寸,颜色定做调配。图片只作参考,以实物为准。)可选表面处理:喷粉、镀铬、镀锌可按客户要求定做款色规格。中山市裕亿金属制品有限公司是一间充满活力的私营企业,地处珠江三角洲黄金地带,邻近港口,交通便利,陆运、海运方便快捷。本厂生产环境好,设备先进、齐全,配套合理,管理完善,工人素质高,技术可靠具有专业水准。自开办以来,我公司一直以“质量好、信誉高、顾客至上、热诚服务”为宗旨,力求做到最好,满足客户的需求。本公司生产各类型金属制品,从原材料生产、焊接成型、浸塑加工等一条龙服务。生产设备齐全,而且以“信誉第一,质量至上”的企业精神,以最优秀的产品、最合理的价格,竭诚为您服务。热情欢迎新老客户来人来电洽谈,我们将以真诚合作的态度,奉行客户至上,诚信待人的原则,恭候您的光临,携手合作共创辉煌。Zhong Shan City UE metal CO.,LTD is located in the beautiful city of Zhongshan,which is geographically connected with Guangzhou(capital of Guangdong Province) on the north and in vicinity to Hong Kong and Macao.The transportation is very convenient. ZhongShan City UE metal CO.,LTD is an experienced professional manufacturer and designer .We have advanced production lines of metal products. We mainly produce all kinds of metal products, including wire pet cage(dog cage),fence,kennel ,metal electric accessory, iron art furniture,etc. We are formed by a group of experienced professional engineers, technologists, managers and experienced workers.
We will be more than happy to work with friends for any good new products. Your inquiries and visit will be greatly appreciated and we sincerely hope you will love our products and our service!Company: UE Metal Product Co., Ltd.
Address: No.29 Jin He Load, North Shenghui Industry Zone, Nantou Town, Zhongshang City,Guangdong,China Post Code: 528427
Contact: Mr. Liang
SKYPE: Michael Lueng