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浙江省浦江仙华灯饰有限公司成立于一九九七年五月九日,座落于中国“书画之乡,水晶之都”的浙江省浦江县。距义乌机场15分钟路程,距杭州机场一个小时路程,杭金衢高速直通本县,距上海港2.5小时,宁波港2小时,至义乌国际商贸城30分钟,交通十分便捷。公司专业生产水晶吊灯、水晶吸顶灯、水晶欧式灯、水晶云石灯、台灯、落地灯、客房灯、水晶工艺饰品、水晶灯饰挂件等系列产品。公司集设计、生产、销售及售后服务为一体,专业承接工程灯具设计、安装、制造、清洗、维护等一条龙服务。公司在广东中山古镇设有五金制造车间及展厅。公司先后通过了CCC、UL、CE、SJS等国际权威机构认证。公司一直以“质量第一、诚信至上”为宗旨, “追求品质、打造品牌”为目标,坚持以“创新发展、追求卓越”为经营理念。本公司产品远销美国、欧洲、东南亚、台湾、日本、香港等国家和地区。热忱欢迎新老客户莅临指导,共创美好未来。Pujiang Xianhua Lamps & Lanterns Ornaments Co.,LTD. is a professional one, specializing in crystal handicrafts with first-rate technology, facilities and means of operation.We have hundreds of items, including crystal ornaments, Christmas gifts, presentation gifts, anniversary gifts,collections,religious gifts. We can also design and produce all kinds of products on the basis of the customers’ requirements. The products made by us have met withgreat favour in America, Japan, Korea, West Europe, Egypt, Austrlia, HongKong, Singapore and so on.We always follow the purpose of supreme customer and first quality. We should provide service with all our heart for customers. Welcome new and old customers to our company for negotiating bussiness.