雅思英语写作一直以来都是很多学生头疼的问题,因为词汇的使用以及它在 考试中的分数占比,都让写作成为重中之重,今天上海朗阁英语写作老师就 集雅思经验为大家挑选出几种考试题目的类似题型,大家可以作为参照:
Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement:
When classmates or colleagues communicate abouta certain project, it is better for them to work in person than by e-mails.
If you need todiscuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, will you usee-mail/text messaging or use telephone/voice- messaging?
Whenclassmates or colleagues communicate about a controversial issue, it is betterfor them to work in person than by text.
Some peoplebelieve that teachers should communicate with students in class. Others believethat teachers should communicate with students by sending them emails. Whichway do you think is better?
Do you agreeor disagree with the following statement?
People shoulduse new technologies such as social media and text messaging to communicatewith each other.
Do you agreeor disagree with the following statement:
Peoplenowadays spend much more time than they should using text messages and newtechnologies such as social media to communicate with each other.
英语写作非常重要,请大家作为参照多做练习,只有熟练并且了如指掌,才 能让我们的英语写作更加顺畅,朗阁雅思英语学习也就更加的简单!