诸暨市百川电子商务有限公司是一家技工贸一体化公司,主要从事产品研发、生产、批发、商品零售等业务。公司以网络为主要推广手段,以计算机信息管理系统为辅助工具,成功创立起多元化的商业推广和销售平台,形成了销售拓展与品牌经营同步、终端渠道与网络订购并行的运作模式,我们从众多产品来源中精选能为您带来真正价值的好产品,创新开发最适合您的产品,为您提供高质量、高品位的购物 、生活体验。 我们给您更可信的服务: 在百川,我们永远站在客户的立场上,以客观的角度帮助客户选择真正性能优异、物有所值的产品。 我们给您更优质的产品: 在百川,我们将为客户提供双重的质量保证和产品服务,无论在购买产品的前后,我们的客服经理都会随时与您保持联系,为您提供产品相关咨询,为您创造更佳的服务承诺。 我们给您最优惠的价格: 在百川,所有的商品来自生产厂商,省去了所有中间的环节,您无需为商家昂贵的场租和仓储费用分摊代价,我们的服务群体如此众多,庞大的采购量使我们总能得到更好的供货价格。 Zhejiang Zhuji LOUSEA Knitting Co., Ltd. is a technology industry and trade integrated company, mainly engaged in product development, manufacturing, wholesale, retail and other businesses. Company to promote the network as the main means of computer-assisted tools for information management system successfully since its establishment in a wide range of business promotion and marketing platform, forming a sales expansion and brand management synchronization, terminal and network channels, ordered in parallel mode of operation, we sources selected range of products can bring you the true value of a good product, innovation and developing the most appropriate for your product, to provide you with high-quality, high-grade shopping experience.