实用新型专利号:200720184635.7全新设计:New design:
一、最新概念的流水型外观设计。The newest concept of streamlined design
二、坚硬高透明压克力一次性成型缸体。(高清晰、耐划痕、不漏水、不易碎、不变型)Hard and high transparent acrylic aquarium tank formed in one piece. (High-definition, scratch-resistant, watertight, non-friable and high constant form)
三、配置增氧,过滤系统。(无需换水,有效清除水中有害物质,保证水质清洁,为观赏鱼提供合适健康的生长环境)Install an oxygen and filtration system. (Do not need to changer water, effective remove harmful material in water and ensure clean water quality, provide a suitable healthy growth environment for fish.)
四、配置防水灯罩。Install a waterproof lampshade.
五、配置电路保险系统。Install a safety electric circuit protector.
六、配置自动恒温系统(只限B, C款),更适合热带观赏鱼及其他鱼类的生长环境。Install a thermostat system (Only for Model B, C), more suitable for tropical fish and other fish to growth.
七、配置一次性成型仿真岩石、仿真水草(只限C款),营造鱼缸景观宁静,优雅的大自然气息。7, Install artificial rocks and aquatic plants formed in one piece (Only for Model C), create a quiet, elegant natural scene inside aquarium tank.技术参数Specification>主电源Voltage:220-240V/AC 50Hz(A, B, C系列)110-120V/AC 60Hz(A/B/CUS系列)>灯功率Lamp Power: 4W (T4)>水泵Water Pump: 2W>最大扬程H-Max: 0.45m>最大流量Output: 200L/h