用白糖和橄榄油生产的安全洗洁用品sugar bubble |
糖泡的优越性----原料的优点 家用洗洁产品,包括各种洗洁精,洗衣液(洗衣粉),沐浴液等等。市场上销售的洗洁产品基本上都以石油的二及衍生物---表面活性剂(ABS,LAS,AES,等)为主要原料,由于其洗涤效果良好,价格低廉,用色香味的障眼法包装后,广泛地应用在家用洗洁产品上。但其毒性强,长时间使用对人体的危害极大,而且对环境造成极大的危害,糖泡洗洁产品使用的糖表面活性剂,用糖和橄榄油等为主要原料,攻克了开发纯天然表面活性剂技术难题,解决了家用洗洁产品的安全,环保,高效的目的。sugar bubble*利用尖端科学技术,反应结合白糖和橄榄油,生产出来的天然洗洁产品。*符合OSH毒性分类表无毒级,无刺激的环保家用洗洁产品。常用表面活性剂和糖表面活性剂比较社会的发展极大丰富了物质生活。好房子,好车子以及更加舒适的生活环境是现代人的追求,让孩子更加健康,聪明,开心是所有父母的一生的追求。。。 然而,生活当中您有没有注意到,时刻危害着孩子及家人健康的合成洗洁用品吗?从洗水果蔬菜到洗餐具,从洗衣物到沐浴,化学洗洁产品始终“亲密”地陪伴着家庭的每个成员。。。**您了解洗洁用品吗?市场上销售的洗洁产品(包括洗洁精,洗衣产品,沐浴液等)基本上都以石油的二及衍生物---表面活性剂(ABS,LAS,AES,等)为主要原料,由于其洗涤效果良好,价格低廉,用色香味的障眼法包装后,广泛地应用在家用洗洁产品上。 实验证明,沾在皮肤上的洗涤剂大约有0.5%惨入血液。通过口腔或皮肤进入体内的洗涤剂毒素可使血液中钙离子浓度下降,血液酸化,降低肝脏的排毒功能。由于生物降解度低,毒素淤积在体内,降低免疫力,加剧肝细胞病变,诱发癌症。人工实验培养胃癌The development of the society has greatly enriched thematerial life. A good house, nice car and a more comfortable living environment is the pursuit of modern people, let the children more healthy, smart, happy is all parents' pursuit of life...sugar bubbleHowever, the life you haven't noticed, constantly harm tochildren and family health synthetic detergent supplies?From washing fruits and vegetables to wash the dishes, from the laundry into the shower, chemical cleaning products has always been "intimate" with each member of the family...sugar bubble* * you know cleaning products?Market sales of washing products (including detergent,laundry products, liquid soap and so on) basically in the oiltwo and derivatives - surfactants (ABS, LAS, AES, etc.) as the main raw material, because of its good washing effect,low price, with the color and flavor of camouflage package,widely used in household cleaning products.sugar bubbleExperiments show that, there are about 0.5% miserably into the blood stained on the skin detergent. The detergent toxinoral or skin to enter the body can make the blood calcium concentration decreased, blood acidification, reduce the liverdetoxification function. The biodegradation degree low, toxin dep |