滋养力,带着阳光的味道,洗浴后的肌肤光滑细腻柔软,富有弹性,皮肤就像吸收了阳光一样十分的光滑有弹力,舒服;而电热水器产生的热水,是死水,干涩生疏,粗糙乏力,洗完澡没有那种放松舒服的感觉,反而十分疲惫,因为他吸收了人的活力与生命力Solar hot water generated by the day is hot water, pure natural solar hot water, water, water and soft mild on the skin has a protective and nourishing effect; according to the study, after a day of sunlight in the ultraviolet irradiation, the structure of the full and tap water to be changed into small molecules through photosynthesis the group activity of water, activated water produced by heating with solar energy can only be sensed, the water molecules rich natural force, affinity, adhesion, nourishing, with a taste of the sun, after bathing the skin smooth and delicate skin soft, elastic, like sunshine absorption is smooth and elastic, comfortable; the electric water heater produces hot water, stagnant water, dry rough rusty, fatigue, bath do not have the kind of comfortable feeling, but very tired, because He absorbed the vigor and vitality of man.
3.太阳能热水器没有煤气中毒爆炸着火漏电的危险性存在,真正的放心机、自然机The solar water heater does not have the danger of the ignition of the gas explosion caused by the gas poisoning.