The beCAN controller (basic enhanced CAN), interfaces the CAN network and supports the
CAN protocol version 2.0A and B. It has been designed to manage a high number of
incoming messages efficiently with a minimum CPU load.
For safety-critical applications the beCAN controller provides all hardware functions to
support the CAN time triggered communication option (TTCAN).
The maximum transmission speed is 1 Mbit.
Three transmit mailboxes
Configurable transmit priority by identifier or order request
Time stamp on SOF transmission
8-, 11- and 29-bit ID
One receive FIFO (3 messages deep)
Software-efficient mailbox mapping at a unique address space
FMI (filter match index) stored with message
Configurable FIFO overrun
Time stamp on SOF reception
Six filter banks, 2 x 32 bytes (scalable to 4 x 16-bit) each, enabling various masking
configurations, such as 12 filters for 29-bit ID or 48 filters for 11-bit ID
Filtering modes:
Mask mode permitting ID range filtering
ID list mode
Time triggered communication option
Disable automatic retransmission mode
16-bit free running timer
Configurable timer resolution
Time stamp sent in last two data bytes