学一学:小叶紫檀(学名:Pterocarpus santalinus),又名檀香紫檀或茜草叶紫檀,是印度特有的紫檀属植物。它们只生长在印度坦米尔纳德邦及安得拉邦交界的古德伯及契托尔。小叶紫檀高 8米,树干直径50-150厘,小叶紫檀幼树生长适应能力很强,就算是在退化土壤中也能成长,树苗成长速度缓慢,3岁才约60厘米,5岁才约1米。它们耐 寒,要低至零下1℃才会死亡。叶子互生,长3-9厘米,分叉树枝有三小叶。花朵形成短的总状花序。
公司將堅持“公開、公平、公正”的原則,開拓創新,適應多元化市場需求。以誠摯的信譽,專業細至的服務,有效整合各類資源,為海內外收藏家、藝術家搭建壹 個廣闊的文化藝術品收藏交流交易平臺,為藝術品收藏投資的持續繁榮,為藝術品市場的規範發展做出貢獻。同時積極拓展成長性業務市場,為海內外各類機構和個 人提供優質的藝術品相關的咨詢、鑒定、展覽、拍賣、交流等服務。
1蒋文光 :男,职业 书画、金银器、碑帖鉴定专家 毕业于海复旦大学历史系。 主要成就CCTV《鉴宝节目》专家评委, 等代表作品《书法鉴赏与收藏》、《碑帖鉴赏与收藏
.2刘静:女,1950年,毕业于北京大学历史系,曾在故宫博物院保管部以及古器物部担任研究工作,现任故宫博物院副研究员。 著有《古玩辨伪指南》《中国文房用具》《故宫雕
. 3吴建庭 男 牛津(香港)文物鉴定检测中心出生于古陶瓷鉴定世家,从小受家庭的熏陶。八十年代初,就读于景德镇陶瓷学院,并在景德镇陶瓷历史博物馆、景德镇仿古瓷瓷厂
4金运昌蒙古族,北京市人,1957年生。1982年首都师范大学中文系毕业留校,执教古代汉语。曾任北京市 语言学会常务理事、古代汉语研究会秘书长。同时师从欧阳中石、康殷先生研习书法,参与了首师大书法艺术教育专业暨我国第一个书法博士点的创建工作,受聘为 该专业副教授、硕士研究生导师。加入中国书法家协会社会职务有:中国书法家协会鉴定评估委员会委员、中国收藏家协会咨询鉴定专家委员会委员、文化部文化市 场发展中心艺术品评估委员会委员、文化部“中国文化艺术发展促进会”理事、国务院发展研究中心“中国书法研究院”副院长、教育部中央教育科学研究所兼职研 究员等。
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2003-1-9, the archeological experts found the corpse of Sichui King, the owner of the tomb besid e the west side of the coffin of Daqingdun tomb of Han Dynasty in Siyang, Jiangsu Province. According to the excavation at site, the experts estimated the height and age of Sishui King.
By now, the archeological staff has found seven pieces of bones including mandible, pelvic bone and femur from the coffin at the west side. According to the initial estimation, the experts considered the five bones out of seven belonged to the owner of the tomb Sishui King. According to these bones, the archeologists initially estimated that the Sishui King was about 45 to 50 years old, height over 1.75m. This is the breakthrough for discovering the suspicion that Sichui King of which generation is this.During the process of cleaning the stolen cave, the archeologists learned the situation about the stolen of this tomb.Up to now, the archeologists have found bronze ware, painted ware, golden ware, and decorations such as dragon heads and tiger heads made from the rhinocerotic horns. They estimated that there is still a batch of cultural relics inside the cave. At the eastern side of the tomb of Han Dynasty in Daqingdun, there are another two coffins, in which, the archeologists happily found complete stairs, inscribed windows, bronze hearth model and nearly 50 standing terracotta and wooden horse and dogs. Inside the coffin there are some shields and knives as well as a wooden book inscribed with Dishu of Han Dynasty. The archeologists initially judged these two coffins belong to the owner of the tomb, i.e. the guards to certain Sishui King in Han Dynasty and the model of their station. At another externally kept coffin to the east, the archeologists also cleaned out a lot of grains. Obviously, the owner wanted to possess the granary after his death.
2003-1-9 after, the externally kept coffin at the correct south of the tomb has also been harvested with more than 130 pieces of wooden terracotta and horses unearthed. The cleaning job is still on.Background informationWhen the archeological departments of Jiangsu Province are carry out excavation as first aid to the tombs of Han Dynasty in Siyang County lately, they found out 100 elaborate cultural relics in one tomb.
According to the record, Siyang was the territory of Sishui Kingdom in Han Dynasty. There are more than 20 tombs of royal families kept in the 7,000,000m2 land in this county.After intentional excavation for more than 2 days, most of the articles buried with the dead in the main tomb room in Daqingdun Han Tomb in Siyang have bee excavated. During the process when the archeologists were cleaning the main coffin room, two new auxiliary architecture were found. In addition, the archeologists also found that the tomb was severely stolen when excavating the coffin to the east side, Therefore, no precious cultural relics were found in the tomb at the east side.
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主办机构:广州御藏文化发展有限公司 中国艺海展览拍卖有限公司
香港地址 :香港加连威老道100号港晶中心7楼706B
香港 澳门出境展览拍卖 中国艺海---广州御藏国际市场征集部宣
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1955 年,明史学家吴晗时任北京市副市长,他邀请郭沫若(中国科学院院长)、茅盾(文化部部长)、邓拓(人民日报社社长兼总编辑)、范文澜(中国科学院近代史所 所长)、张苏(全国人大常委会副秘书长)联名上书中央,请求发掘埋有明成祖朱棣的长陵。但由中国科学院考古所副所长夏鼐指导的工作队认为,长陵是主陵,应 先“试掘”其他规模较小的陵,积累经验。经周恩来同意,最终决定试掘明神宗朱翊鈞的定陵。①
经 过两年多的发掘,定陵共出土珍贵文物3000多件,包括600多件袍服、布料。其中皇帝的衮服、龙袍等,更是巧夺天工,如以缂丝方法织造的衮服,所用材料 除大量金线、孔雀羽毛外,还有红、蓝、绿等28种绒线。然而,在定陵地宫开启后,这些原本绚丽多彩的丝织品没有得到很好保护,以至被空气侵蚀而褪色、变 脆,并留下黑斑。②对这些袍服的后续处理,也不专业。比如用“聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯”(塑料)加入软化剂涂在半腐的衣服上,“这种涂料是不可逆反的,不久涂料 老化龟裂,丝织品也随之碎裂”。③由于此前明朝丝绸几乎没有实物留存下来,技艺也已失传,因此让定陵丝绸的损坏显得尤为可惜。
定 陵的大量文物“发掘即摧毁”。吴晗如愿后,刚刚写完历史剧《武则天》的郭沫若也跃跃欲试,提议发掘合葬唐高宗、武则天的乾陵。1960年,陕西省向中央提 交《乾陵发掘计划》,郭沫若对周恩来说:“毫无疑问,肯定有不少字画书籍保存在墓室里!打开乾陵……也说不定武后的画像、上官婉儿等人的手迹都能见到!石 破天惊,一定是一件石破天惊的大事!”鉴于技术落后,周恩来没有同意。1973年,郭沫若第二次请求挖掘乾陵,又被否决。④
在 郭沫若请求开掘乾陵时,定陵的考古工作其实并没有结束。1979年,参与过发掘的赵其昌、王岩等继续编写定陵的考古报告。赵其昌回忆说,“可惜的是20多 年的岁月,不少文物已经面目全非了。棺椁毁于定陵建馆之初,帝后尸骨、头发、牙齿毁于‘文化大革命’,原始资料有散失,照片底版有霉污,特别是那些囊括了 中华精品的帝后服饰、织品等等,几经翻动,残损更甚,所幸几大册发掘工作的原始记录,尚保存完整。”1990年,他们编写的发掘报告《定陵》出版。
定 陵的帝后服饰也相继启动复制。1988年9月,文物专家谢辰生带着南京云锦研究所复制的明神宗龙袍、马王堆素纱禅衣,送到时任全国政协主席的李先念家中, “请他过目”。在交谈中,当李先念“了解到万历龙袍已经全部炭化时”说:“我历来反对挖大墓,挖出来保护不好,就毁掉了。”⑤