On the overall attention to renting:
1. 合租是一件非常令人蛋疼的事情——无论合租者的性别、年龄、性取向。对此,不解释。
1. the joint rent is a very painful thing - regardless of the sex, age, sexual orientation of the tenant. This is not explained.
2. 租房的话,尽量不要找中介。租房3年以来我学会一个道理:永远不要低估中介的无耻程度,找中介租房,就是你蛋疼生活的开始。
2. to rent, try not to find an intermediary. After 3 years of renting, I have learned a truth: never underestimate the extent of the mediator's infamy, and find an intermediary to rent, which is the beginning of your egg.
3. 租房最好的途径是直接找房东,不过这一点可能需要耐心,原因有两点,一是房东并没有那么多,在网上发布租房信息的90%以上都是中介,二是房东一旦发布房源信息,马上会被无数的中介缠上,要求代租其房子。
The best way is to find 3. to rent the landlord directly, but this may need to be patient, there are two reasons, one is the landlord and not so much more than rental information published online in 90% are intermediary, two is the landlord once published listings, will soon be countless intermediary entangled, asked on behalf of their house rent.