产品型号: 高强度钹型砂轮系列
※ 本产品规格从100×3×16---230×6×22共10多个品种
※ 主要适用于:特别适用于造船行业、矿山机械等高强度重负荷及高空作业
※ 特点:强度高、耐磨、安全
High speed depressed center wheels are resin bonded abrasive tool with special fabric reinforcement mesh bearing high tensile strength, shocking and bending. By using with peripheral velocities up to 80m/s meet high grinding efficiency and great safety in production.
To raise the strength, the wheels are reinforced with mesh fabric cloth, and the wheel bores are additionally inlaid with metal rings, The layernumber of the said mesh cloth depends on the thickness of wheels are shown below.