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延吉秀爱食品有限公司成立于2004年5月25日,位于吉林省延吉市经济开发区内,由日本正荣食品工业株式会社出资设立,是一家集生产、研发、加工、销售于一体的坚果类食品生产加工企业。公司总投资1500万美元,注册资本665万美元,其中现金投资540万美元,设备投资125万美元,占地面积为2万平方米。产品主要有夏威夷果仁、松子仁、美国核桃仁、南瓜子、葵瓜子、美国杏仁、中国核桃仁、中国山核桃仁等干果、坚果加工系列产品。公司一直以创建中国一流坚果加工企业为目标,积极贯彻国际标准,先后通过了瑞士SGS的ISO22000:2005食品安全管理体系认证、英国零售商供应商认证BRC及QS认证资质。2009年公司面向国内休闲食品市场,发挥自身集团优势,组建新产品开发机构,引进日本领先加工技术,结合中国消费人群口味特点,先后研发出海苔类产品、蜂蜜类产品、巧克力类产品、抹茶类产品、椰奶类产品、芥末类产品等广受欢迎的坚果休闲食品。凭借严格的品质管理、丰富的口味选择及紧随市场的开发创新,秀爱带给广大中国消费者的是高品质的健康食品。我们愿与各界有识之士携手,共创美好未来。Yanji Shoei Foods Co., Ltd, located in Yanji City, Jilin Prov. where is north to the Changbai Mountain. Its distinctive geographical and nature condition, makes it widely known as a pine nuts and pumpkin seeds producing-region.It’s a food company of integrating production,development,process,and sales which continuously has been working on nuts and seeds products since 2004.From the beginning on this activity, the spirit of improvement has been permanent in the highest quality and scientific management.The company acquired ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management System Certificate, BRC (British Retail Consortium) Certificate, and QS Certificate (Quality & Safety) in rapid succession. The products through the severe quality control procedure to perform the entire production monitoring on raw materials to final products, which provides a reliable quality assurance. The facility has invested heavily and wisely in state of the art machinery that makes it unique in the Chinese nuts processing business, has gained and won trust and respect from our customers.