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  珠海易佳水晶有限公司成立于1999年,长期从事水晶拉手(玻璃拉手/水晶把手/玻璃把手)的设计、开发及生产、销售,公司具有丰富的熔练成型、二次成型及冷加工经验,在开发新产品方面具有独到的能力,公司具有多年同国内外大公司合作的经验,产品主要是同欧美知名锁具、家具、卫浴公司做配套,产品质量经过多年欧美市场检验,值得信赖。 水晶拉手广泛用作门把手、柜门拉手、抽屉拉手、水龙头把手。水晶拉手以其高雅的艺术性及适用性越来越受到广大消费者的青睐。



  Established in 1999, ZhuHai YiJia Crystal Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the design, development, production and sale of crystal knobs & handles. The company is very experienced in melting, molding, post forming and cool working. The company has formed the advantages of Innovation, Global Sale, Quality and Cost and established its strong status in the field. Zhuhai Yijia has established strong partnerships with many famous manufacturers of Lock, Furniture, Kitchen and Bath from Europe, America, Middle East and Asia. The main products of Zhuhai Yijia are crystal knobs & handles for cabinet, drawer, cupboard and door, which are widely praised and more and more favored by consumers in Europe & America market.


  Quality comes from profession, Zhuhai Yijia focus on crystal knobs & handles.