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  葫芦式简易起重龙门架龙门吊常见的故障及原因--北京翔虎起重起重龙门架 温馨提醒:为了您及他人的生命财产不受到任何损失请您选择正规的厂家作为首选,我们无论选择什么产品都要先把安全放在首位,特别是对起重机械的选择尤为重要,起重作业请您慎之又慎! 本产品我院公司根据众多客户的现场使用条件限制大型起重龙门吊起重机安装不方便及使用不方便的场合而研发的系列产品之一,具有结构简单,安全可靠,操作方便,转动灵活,作业空间大,投资成本低,适用于设备的安装调试、磨具的装卸与维修、仓库货物的装卸车等吊运场合。比其他常规性吊运设备更显示其优越性。此款龙门架拆装简单,运输方便,配不同型号万向刹车脚轮即组成可移动三角型龙门架。凡是采用悬挂式起重机不可能或不经济的地方都可以方便使用,手拉葫芦起重龙门架,龙门架由工字钢,钢架焊接而成,下面有电动减速机带动车轮移动作为移动机构,可以实现任意移动。龙门架结构简单,安全合理,造价低,能为顾客带来更大收益。运行轨道由轻型轨道或者槽钢焊接也可以。龙门架全可拆卸,方便运输,尤其是方便长途运输。组装简便。拆开来的每件重量较轻,龙门架可搬运至高处,如楼房内、高山上等地方安装。这款龙门架解决了众多外地客户因运输等各方面因素造成的各种不便,电动葫芦起重龙门架,深受广大客户的喜爱与好评。我公司有专业的技术人员可完全根据客人的要求进行现场定做。为了达到不浪费材料,安全好用,所以所有的龙门吊架都采用下订单后立即定做的原则。。全可拆卸龙门架是在立柱式龙门架改进而来。可配手拉葫芦手拉小车及运行式电动葫芦使用。这种龙门架适合较大货物的起吊。如大型设备装卸车,集装箱的装运等,大起重量可达30吨。本产品可以做成全拆卸型及半拆卸型,龙门架上的每一个支架都可以拆装,拆装完毕后可以打成一捆,更方便长途运输,只需要一辆小型货车或者是面包车就可以完成整套设备的搬运几运输,解决了众多外地客户因运输等各方面因素造成的各种不便,深受广大客户的喜爱与好评。起重龙门架我公司生产的龙门架以通过并符合以下标准。 GB/T3811-2008 起重机设计规范 JB/T9008.1-99 钢丝绳电动葫芦型式和基本参数标准 JB/T9008.2-99 钢丝绳电动葫芦技术条件 JB/T5663-2008 电动葫芦门式起重机制造标准 JB/T 5317.1-1991 用户可根据使用现场的实际要求需要自由选择。由于时间有限就不一一叙述了。 关于本产品或同类产品的使用说明及注意事项如下: 葫芦式简易起重龙门架龙门吊常见的故障及原因--北京翔虎起重 葫芦式简易起重龙门架龙门吊常见的故障及原因

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  In recent years, the domestic crane emerge in the international market, the mainstream companies lead the industry to upgrade, to achieve a breakthrough in technology. Review the course of growth: from 2000 to 2005, in the global crane industry compound annual growth period, the rapid growth of more than 25 of which, China contributed the largest increment, crane car sales began to grow exponentially from 1999, 2003 to break 10000 units, China has become the world's largest producer of crane. In the meantime, the mainstream of enterprises to realize the two key breakthrough, one is the scale of production capacity exceeded 10000 units, the two is the innovation to adapt to the needs of the China 100 tons crane, all terrain crane to capture the core technology, forming a high school low-end Chinese technical schools, this is particularly important, it establishes a unique China crane price advantage.


  At present, China's lifting machinery and equipment production enterprises reached more than 3500, of which 1898 enterprises have installed, remove the license, they have the ability to manufacture advanced, the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" period, the hoisting machinery products, gross industrial output value and sales revenue, respectively, 30 per year growth, but the overall product. Still have a large gap with foreign.


  From 2005 to , the macroeconomic environment has significant changes: greater investment in infrastructure construction, energy and other construction projects led to the large hoisting technology innovation of enterprises, the main process to achieve three major breakthroughs: one is the internationalization speed, two crane product structure and product categories are further subdivided, spectrum span coverage from 5 tons to 2000 tons class, with the vehicle type, vehicle type, the whole ground, crawler, off-road tires, development is large; three. The history of China crane 200 tons the largest tonnage is broken, the global crane industry completed from 100 ton to ton across.


  From to , the macroeconomic environment of tightening, but the supply capacity increased by nearly two times, on the one hand, the mainstream business to deal with all kinds of competition pressure, but also to seize the area structural changes, the realization of the second international development in the strategic layout, quick to seize the large tonnage and high in product and technology layout, China enterprises show again later advantages, one of the "world" is being or is about to be born, a new generation of technology revolution and round in order to enhance the user value as the subject is on the rise.


  At present, the hoisting machinery is in the market for a period of rapid development, the giant has a great market potential. With the modernization process more and more quickly, the hoisting machinery requirements are also getting higher and higher, the hoisting machinery development towards large scale, automation, specialization trend.


  Since the new century large-scale, accelerate the large-scale engineering trends, domestic super crawler crane slowly began to appear in front of people. The 1000 ton, 2000 ton crawler crane have been introduced, kicked off China's super fast development of crawler crane. The crane on the market sales of the largest 5~8t products, total sales accounted for more than 50. Because many manufacturers, price competition, product profit space more and more narrow, and the large tonnage products, profit margins than small tonnage products. From the direction of the development of the domestic automobile chassis, large tonnage truck market is growing rapidly, FAW, heavy truck manufacturers are speeding up the development of large tonnage truck chassis, so large tonnage bridge crane with large tonnage products chassis market expand gradually increased, in 2011 more than 10t products accounted for total sales of less than 30. The first half of this year, more than 10t products accounted for 33 of total sales, in the next few years, the products of large tonnage crane series will have larger development space, demand is gradually increasing trend.