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  温州劳来斯安全防护装备有限公司是浙南地区一家专业生产劳动安全防护装备用品的重点企业,公司拥有500克大型一次成型注塑机数台,高精度安全帽力学性能试验机等全套产品检测设备,具有一支专业性技术队伍,为本公司产品质量有良好稳定性。 公司制造安全帽产品是很严格执行GB-2811-2007的标准,各项指标均达国家标准要求,历年来赢得各客户的信赖。 公司现有10多个品种,5种颜色(红、黄、蓝、白、桔黄)供客户随意挑选,另还生产隔热面罩、焊接面罩、各种劳护用品能更好为客户服务。 真诚欢迎新老客户来电来函洽谈合作! Wenzhou Laolaisi Safety Protection Equipment Co.Ltd, is the only one stock system enterprise, specialized in the production of appliances for labor protection. The company possesses a whole set of product testing equipment ,including several sets of 500g large-scale once injection- moulding machine and high accuracy safety helmet mechanic property testing machine etc, with a group of special technical teams , so as to make our products quality better and steady. The safety helmets produced by our company are strictly in accordance with GB2811-2007 standards and ......