品 名 | 材 质 | 规 格 | 工 艺 | 产 地 |
轴承钢丝 | GCr15 | Ф3.0—Ф11 | 热轧+退火 | 东北特钢南钢宝钢大冶 |
轴承钢光圆 | GCr15 | Ф5.0 —Ф150 | 热轧+退火 |
轴承钢圆钢 | GCr15 | Ф12 —Ф230 | 热轧+退火 |
轴承钢锻圆 | GCr15 | Ф240—Ф600 | 锻造+退火 |
轴承钢方钢 | GCr15 | 120方、150方、160方、200方 | 国产、进口 |
不锈钢轴承钢 | 9Cr18 | Ф12—Ф350 | 电炉+精炼+退火 | 长特/大冶/东北特钢 |
不锈钢轴承钢 | 9Cr18Mo | Ф12—Ф350 | 电炉+精炼+退火 |
硅锰轴承钢 | GCr15SiMn | Ф20—Ф300 | 退火+轧材+锻材 | 宝钢/大冶/东北特钢 |
Ministry of environmental protection supervision is still ongoing, "elevated source" automatic monitoring equipment installation, networking and operation, as well as industrial pollution sources compliance emissions. The inspection is completed around the thermal power, steel, cement, electrolytic aluminum, alumina, carbon, casting, brick kiln and raw materials production industry peak production scheme and work list, staggering production enterprises in the implementation of key industries, to undertake the task according to the approved maximum allowable production load, and require the approval or filing according to the "programme of work". Inspection of small scattered pollution enterprises banned task completion; 环保部督查仍不断,“高架源”自动监测设备安装、联网及运行情况,以及工业污染源达标排放情况。督查各地是否完成火电、钢铁、水泥、电解铝、氧化铝、碳素、铸造、砖瓦窑及原料药生产行业错峰生产方案及名单制定工作,重点行业中不执行错峰生产的企业,要根据承担任务核定最大允许生产负荷,并按《工作方案》要求进行审批或备案。督查“小散乱污”企业取缔任务完成情况;10吨及以下燃煤锅炉,以及茶炉大灶、经营性小煤炉淘汰工作完成情况;钢铁、燃煤锅炉排放的二氧化硫、氮氧化物和颗粒物大气污染物执行特别排放限值情况;钢铁、水泥行业排污许可证发放工作情况;钢铁行业、VOCs重点行业整治完成情况;工业污染源达标排放情况。and 10 tons of coal-fired boiler, stove stove, and operating a small coal stove out of work; steel, coal-fired boiler emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulate air pollutants implement special emission limits; iron and steel, cement industry sewage licensing work VOCs; iron and steel industry, key industries remediation completion; situation of industrial pollution emissions.苏州GCr15重要提示