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中国结是中国特有的民间手工编结装饰品,中国结经过几千年的结艺演变现已成为广大群众喜爱的精制华美的艺术品。 中国结最大的特点是每个结从头到尾都是用一根线编制而成,每个结都有它的编造规律,每个结又都根据其形、意而命名,如果把不同的结相互结合,再与其他的吉祥饰物搭配起来便形成了造型独特,绚丽多彩,内涵丰富的中国传统吉祥装饰品,不同造型的组合表示一种强烈浓郁的美好祝福,赞颂与传达忠心至诚的祈祷和美好心愿,每个结都体现着我们中国人的聪明才智,愿我国的民族文化艺术发扬光大走向世界。 我们专门销售各式中国结,可用于汽车装饰,酒店装饰,节日庆贺,钥匙挂件等等,可以来样加工,定货. 欢迎广大中外客户光临垂询!!!Chinese people have known how to tie knots with cord ever since they began tying animal pelts to their bodies to keep out the cold thousands of years ago. With the advance of civilization, Chinese people used knots for more than just fastening and wrapping. Knots were also used to record events, and some knots had purely ornamental functions. In 1980, some dedicated connoisseurs collected an arranged the decorative yet practical knots that have been passed down through the centuries in China. After studying the structures of these knots, the devotees set about creating new variations and increasing the decorative value of the knots. These exquisitely symmetrical knots which come in so many forms are as profound as the great cultural heritage of the Chinese people. The knots have thus been collectively named Chinese Macrame.