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企业简介 ( Enterprise Profile)台州鼎力液压机床厂是一家颇具规模的生产各种型号液压机、单臂校正机、气动回转盘、卧式拉床、各种规格铣头的专业厂家之一。具有雄厚的技术力量,先进的生产设备和完善的管理体制,确保“鼎力”品牌的市场竞争力。本企业为保证产品高标准、高水平,所有产品都经过严格检测,以优异的品质、良好的服务,最低的价格,深得每一位客户的信赖,从而使产品畅销全国各地。本企业始终坚持“质量第一,诚信创业”的经营理念,确实把“鼎力”品牌做成精品、名品。让广大消费者买的舒心,用的放心,致此,欢迎新老客户前来我公司参观考察,洽谈业务。Taizhou Dingli Hydraulic Machine Tool Factory is one of the professional manufacturers of a large-scale production of various models of hydraulic machine, single-arm correction machines, pneumatic rotary disk, horizontal broaching, a variety of milling head, with a strong technical force, advanced production equipment and perfect management system, to ensure competitiveness in the market for their brand”Dingli”. The enterprise in order to ensure the products with high standards, high level, all products go through rigorous testing. Excellent quality, good service and the lowest price won the trust of every customer, so that the products are sold well throughout the country. The enterprise has always adhere to the business philosophy of "Quality first, Integrity entrepreneurial" , to make the brand "Dingli" excellent and famous. So that consumers buy the production comfortable and operate easily. At last welcome new and old customers come to visit our company and negotiate business.