Silver dollar as the main currency of once reflects the prevailing political, financial and cultural background, historical value. Moreover for silver belongs to physical investment trades more flexible collectable investment risk is small, stable value, etc, combined with silver is a precious metal casting production quantity less than copper, iron COINS, paper money, only a limited number of natural will be more and more popular.
Commemorative collection has been a hot topic in recent years, in the era of post card electronic trading after some rare COINS and some usual may not look valuable coin in quietly rise in price, some COINS and even an astounding. Such as a six star edition was published in 1929, sun yat-sen's founding COINS, in the autumn of 2015 to 3.55 million yuan a price.
As is known to all, in 2016, is to commemorate the 150th anniversary of sun yat-sen, obvious related to sun yat-sen's subject matter has a great commemorative value, silver also won the majority of collectors. The sun capitulum founding commemorative silver prices soaring, break through the previous high of 2.5 million. And sun yat-sen's 150th anniversary commemorative COINS issued by the China's eighth gold great man is the subject COINS, since opening on October 25, an appointment moment is fully, the current common five yuan COINS, price once reached 10 yuan, compared to the issue of 5 yuan face value of the currency doubled.. But, you know, 100 years ago, there is sun yat commemorative COINS.
On December 29, 1911, after the revolution, has been the recovery of 17 provincial representatives elected sun yat-sen as the provisional President in nanjing. On January 3, 1912, the government of the republic of China was proclaimed, the qing dynasty perish, more than 2000 years of feudal monarchy in China. The republic of China was founded, as a result of monetary has not yet been established, in addition to sichuan remold the big fellow silver COINS, outside fujian remold the wing, the main mint, mostly still continue to use the clearance die casting silver COINS, need for circulation. Design by President sun yat-sen portrait, after gm COINS into a decorative pattern. Sun yat-sen to the Treasury, agreed to drum casting COINS, and ordered the rest of the general silver new pattern, "in the middle should draw the grain model, from the meaning of feng, sufficient, hang down to gauge of this" complex, instructions Treasury making new mould, according to the provincial mint drum type casting. Soon, the Treasury is awarded under the new mode to jiangnan (nanjing), hubei, guangdong, such as mint in accordance with the type of casting, which is the origin of the "republic of China sun yat-sen as the founding COINS".
Sun yat-sen, the founder of commemorative silver COINS, commonly known as small head, is one of the main currency circulating period of the republic of China. Is also first will President royal head is replaced by ways of national currency, which means that announced the end of the qing dynasty, China entered a republic new calendar. In addition, BiMian engraved words in both English and Chinese to inform foreigners, China to open up a new era. In the field of treasured works, has always been highly sensitive to major historical events of gold and silver COINS collection market, will give the collection unique value, its market also can conveniently. The price of the founding of the republic of commemorative silver expressing ideas are general, sun yat-sen's founding COINS is the "head", is relative to yuan big head. Common hexagonal star version, the price of ordinary appearance in the million or so at the moment.
稀世珍品的“孙中山开国纪念币”,。它的正面中央为孙中山侧面像,上下铸有“中华民国开国纪念币”隶书字样,左右为五瓣梅花各一枝,意为“五权宪法”之意,周边有珠点、齿状装饰。背面中央为中文隶书书体“壹圆”二字,左右各辅以嘉禾图案,每枝一穗三叶,代表“三民主义”之意,上侧有“MEMENTO”(纪念币)字样,下侧为“BIRTH OFREPUBLIC OF CHINA”(中华民国诞生),左右上方分列六角星图案。
"Sun yat-sen's founding COINS", a rarity. It's positive for central sun yat-sen profile, casting with words, "the founding of the republic of China marks" official script about plum blossom each one to five discs, meaning "five-power constitution", peripheral usu point, dentate. Central style for Chinese official script on the back "one circle" 2 words, complementary with golden harvest around each pattern, each branch a spike trilobites, on behalf OF the "three people's principles", was "rzhetsky" (COINS) to the upper, lower side for "BIRTH OFREPUBLIC OF CHINA" (BIRTH OF the republic OF CHINA), ranked above about star pattern.
This "sun yat-sen's founding COINS star" silver is the most scarce a world amount, the weight of 26.7 grams, 3.9 cm in diameter, its rarity. Collection is in a good preservation, its colour and lustre is natural, whether text or pattern, appear natural and exquisite, depth, right above the coin while some patina, but wrapped slurry appear natural, generous! Prove that money is a flow, capacity with traces of history; Under the soft light, silver exudes a faint silver; Sun yat-sen's head is lifelike, send out a an aura of the king's demeanor and historical precipitation. "Founding COINS" has not been born for several years, now, the founder of "COINS" the world is hard to find out a few pieces, value is difficult to define.
The patterns of the "sun yat-sen's founding COINS" also contains a lot of implied meaning, according to Li Boqi Chinese COINS test account in the manuscript: "five petals around each a plum blossom, five-power constitution means also, after this as national flower. Back to the middle one round the word, and supplemented by each a golden harvest, each one ear trilobites, three people's principles also." Among them, the five rights refers to the legislative power, judicial power and administrative power, impeachment power and the power, the three people's principles is refers to the nationalism, democracy, and people's livelihood.
"Sun yat-sen's founding COINS" is the high-quality goods in modern China COINS, has a history, is a revolutionary cultural relics value is very high, has a profound historical memorial significance; At the same time, or object of archaeological and study Chinese history and culture is rare. Precious "sun yat-sen's founding COINS" recorded the xinhai revolution earth-shattering great history, because after one hundred years of wind and rain, "sun yat-sen's founding COINS" when casting amount is limited, only a very few and far between, especially the quality of good more scarce, so it's popular with collection lovers.
早在1997年3月的上海首届近代银币拍卖会上,一枚1929年发行的“孙中山开国纪念币”,拍至55万元高价成交。孙中山开国纪念币”因其稀少而备受追捧,在2007年开始已经在拍卖上突破八十万元大关,在2013年的时候,再次出现一枚“孙中山开国纪念币”,那时候经众多收藏家激烈争夺,最终以210万成交。而在2015年末的香港素轩国际拍卖秋拍钱币专场上,一枚保存完好品相完整的孙中山开国纪念币更是经过多轮竞价最终以500万人民币落锤,刷新了开国纪念币的往年拍卖纪录。如此成绩,让众多学者、大收藏家瞠目结舌。现在,这枚同类藏品中的珍品“孙中山开国纪念币”再现,又会掀起钱币收藏市场的何等波澜?“开国纪念币”已经数年没有出世,如今 “开国纪念币”举世难寻出几枚,价值实在难以言喻。我们相信,在当下火热的古钱币交易时代,此枚国父纪念币,一定会得到有识之士的垂青!