Money is the product of Commodity Exchange. China is the world's first country to use COINS. 3000 years ago the late shells tombs unearthed a lot of "no copper Mr Wen", as the original metal currency. Until the late western zhou dynasty in addition to the bei also circulate a few come loose without a certain shape copper, copper ingot, etc metal weighing currency, it also has unearthed in the archaeological excavations. China coin creation and broke the world record for the association of a number of most of the world and China. Accompanied by a collection of antique hot, coin collections are often the most collectors attention, in particular, the qing dynasty emperor guangxu wing!
清朝光绪年间流通的货币之一。由两广总督张之洞率先引进英国铸币机器铸造银元和铜元,之后各省纷纷仿效。共有十九个省局铸造,除中央户部,地方省所铸铜元,皆在其正面上缘镌写省名。计有:1户部;2北洋;12湖北;7江南;15河南; 11湖南;14江西;9山东;8广东;5清江;6浙江;16江苏;13四川; 10福建;17安徽;3吉林;4奉天;18广西;19新疆;20黑龙江。此次展示的是一件中国银币二十珍之一的陕西省造光绪元宝!
The qing guangxu years one of money in circulation. By zhang zhidong, governor of guangdong was the first to introduce British COINS casting silver and copper coin machine, after the provinces to emulate. A total of 19 ShengJu casting, in addition to the central fact, provincial cast copper coin, both on the front edge engrave name write province. Include: 1 the fact; 2 the northern; Hubei province; 7 jiangnan; 15 in henan; Hunan; Jiangxi province; 9 shandong; Guangdong; 5 qingjiang; Zhejiang; Jiangsu; Sichuan; 10 in fujian province; Anhui; 3 jilin; 4 Mukden; Guangxi; Xinjiang; 20 in heilongjiang province. The show is a Chinese silver dollar twenty Jane made guangxu in shaanxi province, one of the wing!
1898年(光绪二十四年),陕西巡抚魏光焘奏请在西安设置钱局自行鼓铸银元,并委托英国伯明翰. 希顿造币厂代制铸币钢模,该厂在把钢模移交中国之前,试铸了"陕西省造光绪元宝"样币10套,其中6套交陕西省当局。英国希顿造币厂为陕西代制的钢模运到陕西后,不巧正值清廷整顿各省造币厂,于是陕西停止了造币厂的筹备。因此,此币只留有试铸样币。该七钱二分样币,正面点圈内镌汉文和满文"光绪元宝"字样,上镌"陕西省造"五字,下镌"库平七钱二分"六字,两旁镌花饰。背面蟠龙居中,外圈为英文,并镌有"7"和"2"阿拉伯数字,两旁镌小花饰。该币因属试铸样币,设计精美,铸工精良,为中国银币二十珍之一。
In 1898 (guangxu twenty-four years), bureau of shaanxi governor Wei Guangdao play in xi 'an, please set the money on their own drum cast herself, and entrust Birmingham, UK. Heaton mint create COINS steel mould, the factory before put the steel over China, ShiZhu "in shaanxi province to build guangxu silver piece" the 10 sets of specimen, the six sets of shaanxi provincial authorities. British heaton mint for shaanxi create steel mould to shaanxi, unfortunately comes at a time when the qing court rectify the provincial mint, then stopped in preparation for the mint in shaanxi province. Therefore, this money only with ShiZhu specimen. The seven money binary specimen, positive point circle engrave Chinese and manchu script "guangxu silver piece", engrave on "shaanxi province to build" five words, engrave the "library flat seven money dichotomy" mani, engrave on ornamental design. Panlong centered on the back, the outer ring as the English, and engrave has "7" and "2" Arabic numerals, engrave flowers on both sides. The currency because of the genus ShiZhu specimen, beautifully designed, excellent caster, for the Chinese silver dollar twenty one of Jane.
The show is a rarity in shaanxi province to build library binary flat seven money try COINS guangxu wing; The seven money binary specimen, positive point circle engrave Chinese and manchu script "guangxu silver piece", engrave on "shaanxi province to build" five words, engrave the "library flat seven money dichotomy" mani, engrave on ornamental design. Panlong centered on the back, the outer ring as the English, and engrave has "7" and "2" Arabic numerals, engrave flowers on both sides. The currency because of the genus ShiZhu specimen, beautifully designed, excellent caster, for the Chinese silver dollar twenty one of Jane. This coin positive calligraphy bold strokes, natural and unrestrained freely, center of manchu script fluent specification, layout rigorous, compact side teeth lining bead ring, one integrated mass, on the back of the dragons playing clever, majestic spectacle. Its exquisite design, excellent caster, modern Chinese silver dollar of Jane. Again due to the currency issued no formal, belongs to ShiZhu specimen and the wrong version of the currency, only is extremely rare, therefore has the high art appreciation and collection value, is the high-end rare breeds in recent years, collectors keen to pursue!
Around when we are in the market for hot dig gold, ancient COINS trading market, has with the development of many years and is becoming more and more promising. On July 11, 2003, Beijing huachen auctions co., LTD. To auction a batch of shaanxi province to build guangxu wing ShiZhu specimen, clinch a deal the price, 1 million; Relative to the ordinary people, who have investment coin enthusiasts of the mind, always in such an era, adapt to the development trend, in terms of purchase and sale of collection for oneself, to earn the life first bucket of gold. Design elegant, bright silver, wrong version of the text son try COINS made in shaanxi guangxu wing, believe in the art market of the future, they could get more opportunities are.