袜子是纬编针织物之一大类,有长统袜、中统袜、短筒袜和连筒袜等。妇女用的长筒袜穿到腿部,袜筒长74~84厘米;中筒袜穿到膝盖以下,男式袜筒长42~45厘米,女式袜筒长38~40厘米;短筒袜又称套袜,男式袜筒长17.5~23.5厘米,女式筒统长16.5~20厘米。 Socks is one of the weft knitted fabric categories, with stockings, stockings, socks and stockings. Women used to wear stockings to the legs, stocking, length 74 ~ 84 cm; in tube socks worn below the knee boots, mens long 42 ~ 45 cm, womens stockings length 38 ~ 40 cm; socks are also called the sleeve socks, mens stocking, length 17.5 ~ 23.5 cm, a barrel of the Chang 16.5 ~ 20 cm. 织长筒袜的纬编机有圆袜机和平袜机。圆袜机织的长筒袜腿部密度稀,弹性不足;平袜机可以使袜子腿部的针数多于踝部,上下密度均匀弹性一致,穿着舒适。中筒袜和短筒袜用圆袜机编织。织短袜有...