侧面设置维修进出人行门,带机械压力锁,当室内压力达到120Pa时,自动打开泄压; 风机采用中大专用风机厂生产的YDW双进风离心式外转子风机2台,噪音低,耐高温,运行寿命长。
The import side set maintenance for the door, with mechanical pressure lock, when the indoor pressure reaches 120Pa, automatically open the pressure relief valve; fan used in college with the fan factory production of YDW double intake centrifugal fan outer rotor 2, low noise, high temperature, long service life.
风机座全为镀锌板和角钢结构,防腐性高,使用周期长; 全部采用飞利浦照明灯管和电子镇流器,45°斜顶灯设计,常规型结构,钢化玻璃四周加装密封胶条,密封性好,光照均匀明亮,无重影和作业盲区。
The fan base of galvanized steel and steel structure, high corrosion resistance, long service life; all of the PHILPS lighting lamp and electronic ballast, 45 degree oblique lamp design, conventional type structure, toughened glass around with sealant, good sealing, light bright and uniform, no ghosting and blind operation.
同时在电源低至180伏时仍正常工作;干式环保处理,配备平铺式过滤毡和M型活性炭,能大量过滤和粘附漆雾(客户选用); 房体的底座,可左右后三方面放置,全部为镀锌钢板结构,使用寿命长; 进风口处设置斜网片式过滤装置,容尘量大。
At the same time in the low power supply to 180 volts is normal; dry environment, equipped with a tiled filter felt and M type activated carbon filtration and adhesion of paint mist (customer selection); the base of the house body, left and right after the three place, all galvanized steel structure, long service life; cable network chip the filtering device is arranged at the air inlet, large amount of dust.
The top of the core filter cotton imports of Holland CC-600G sub high efficiency filter cotton, can make the air even filtration, filtration efficiency of more than 98%;