土司面包 吐司 全麦土司面包 牛奶土司面包

名称:土司面包 吐司 全麦土司面包 牛奶土司面包






联系人:陈祯伟 (请说在中科商务网上看到)







  英文名称:Toast bread



  主要食材:高筋粉 水 黄油 精盐









  特点:营养价值高,面包散发出一股奶油的香气让人垂涎欲滴。它是西方国家早餐的必备品,不仅香甜可口,而且还含有大量的营养物质 搭配一杯牛奶是最好不过的套餐。具体可分为牛奶土司、全麦土司等,每一种都有不同的口味。

  材料: 高筋粉220g低筋粉50g牛奶195ml盐3g糖25g酵母3g黄油25g


  1.解冻,解冻有三种方式:A、使用冻藏发酵机:可以自动完成解冻并进行醒发。B、冷藏解冻法:温度3-5℃,湿度75%-85%解冻C、室温解冻法:先放置在室温解冻,表面微湿到干就进醒发箱发酵,太早放进醒发箱也不好,会影响中心部位产生水汽而导致面团组织不好。解冻最佳温度为15℃-20℃2.将解冻好的面包放入醒发箱进行醒发 常规醒发时间为45分钟(具体醒发温度与醒发时间请根据实际情况进行操作)












  制作:1 将所有材料(除黄油外)放进面包桶,开始进行揉面程序

  2 揉制20分钟后,加入黄油进行揉制至完全阶段

  3 温暖处发酵,体积至2倍大

  4 取出挤压排气,将面团等分成三份,盖上保鲜膜松弛15分钟左右

  5 第一次擀成长条形,从两边卷起

  6 旋转90度,再擀成长条形

  7 从上至下卷紧实

  8 并排放入土司盒

  9 温暖处再次发酵至模具九分满。入烤箱170度,烘烤45分钟。出炉后,立即脱模。冷却后切片。

  ——Toast bread——

  Chinese Name: bread, milk and toast bread / whole wheat toast

  English Name: Toast bread

  Product code:

  Category: pre baking class

  Main ingredients: high gluten flour butter salt water

  Prover: thawing thawing

  Storage conditions: frozen at -18 degrees C

  Traffic condition: -18 degrees Celsius refrigerated vehicle

  Manufacturer: TianjinNagano Xudo food limited company

  Factory address: Tianjincity

  Packaging standard: 4 / box

  Carton size:

  Weight: 1150G

  Taste: Cream

  Features: high nutritional value, the bread smelled the fragrance cream let person beunable to hide one's greed. It is the western country breakfast essentialgoods, not only delicious, but also contains a large number of nutrients with acup of milk is the best meal. The concrete can be pided into milk and toast,whole wheat bread, each of which has a different taste.

  Material: high glutenflour220glowgluten flour milk50g195ml3G25g3Gbutter salt sugar yeast25g


  1 thawing, thaw inthree ways: A, the use of frozen fermentation machine: can be doneautomatically thawing and proofing. B, freezing thawing method: temperature 3 -5 Centigrade, humidity is 75% - 85% C at room temperature, thawing thawingmethod: first placed in the thawing at room temperature, surface wet to dryinto a prover fermentation, early into the prover is not good, will affect thecentral parts of the water causes the dough tissue is not good. Thaw theoptimum temperature is 15Centigrade -20 Centigrade, 2 will be thawed good breadinto the prover for proofing conventional proofing time is 45 minutes (specific proofing temperature and time of fermentation based on the actualsituation of the operation )

  2 baking

  Reference temperature:

  1: lit, bakingtemperature 190 degrees Celsius, under the fire of 190 degrees C, baking time:10-12 minutes.

  2: lit, bakingtemperature 190 degrees Celsius, under the fire of 200 degrees C, baking time:10-12 minutes.

  3: lit, bakingtemperature 180 degrees Celsius, under the fire of 180 degrees C, baking time:10-12 minutes.

  4: lit, bakingtemperature 180 degrees Celsius, under the fire of 180 degrees C, baking time:10-12 minutes.

  ( 1) baking to time,temperature is not immutable and frozen, but according to different propertiesof oven be adjusted, such as 60 grams of bread dough, baking bread for 10-12minutes, the center temperature can reach 100 degrees Celsius, fully mature,according to the oven temperature change.

  ( 2) when baking oventemperature to set the right, in a desired period of time to bake a soft,porous, easy to digest and aromatic taste delicious food.

  ( 3) if thetemperature is too high, the crust formed early, will weaken the baking rapidexpansion. Limit the expansion of the bread dough, small volume, the internalorganization of large holes, particles too small, at the same time, hightemperature, easy to make the epidermis and epidermal coking black bubble.

  ( 4) if thetemperature is too low, will extend the baking time, make skin drying, a crustof bread is too thick and too much moisture evaporation, increasing bakingloss. ( in particular the baking temperature and time of fermentation based onthe actual situation of the operation )

  Nagano Xudo food manufacturers for high-end restaurantChinese restaurant, bakery, coffee shop, business super, west cake, pizza,pastry shop outlets. All products only need to defrost prover then bakededible, convenient, fast, green, environmental protection, health, delicious.

  Production: 1 all thematerials (except the butter ) into the bread barrel, start kneading procedure

  2 kneading after 20minutes, add butter to make preparation to completely phase

  3 Warm Department fermentation,in volume to 2 times

  4 removed extrudedexhaustion, pide the dough into three equal parts, cover and let rest for 15minutes

  In 5 the first rollgrowth Strip, from the sides of roll

  6 rotating 90degrees, then roll the growth Strip

  7 from the upper tothe lower compaction

  8 and the dischargeinto the pision box

  9 warm place again tomold a full nine fermentation. Into the oven to 170 degrees, and bake for 45minutes. After the release, immediately release. Cooling section.