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  天津世纪科艺环保是集科研、生产、销售为一体的高科企业。公司立足于水处理环保事业,与清华大学、哈尔滨工业大学、天津大学等高校联合实验,先后研发出针对生物滤池的专用“BAF生物滤料”;用于各种过滤设备的高强度“火山岩高效挂膜生物滤料”;和现有水处理中广泛应用的“沸石滤料”及“粘土陶粒滤料”。以上系列产品均经过“国家建设部水处理滤料检测中心”检测,其各项性能指标均达到国内领先水平。经实践证明,我公司研发生产的系列产品应用的给排水领域,在处理市政污水、工业废水、生活污水及污水的深度处理与中水回用上都取得了良好的效果。客户的满意是我们生存发展的保障!我们愿与社会各界朋友互惠互利、友好合作!我们坚持“技术创新、诚实守信、合作共赢”的宗旨,以客户为关注的焦点,与各环保企事业兄弟单位共同发展,为环保事业多作贡献!The Tianjin branch skill is the collection scientific research, the production, the sale is body's Gao Ke the enterprise. The company bases on the water treatment environmental protection enterprise, with universities and so on Tsinghua University, Harbin Industry University, Tianjin University unites the experiment, researches and develops successively removes the acupuncture needle “the BAF biology filters the material” to biofilter's special-purpose; Uses in each kind of filter plant's high strength “the volcanic rock hanging the membrane biology to filter the material highly effective”; The widespread application “the zeolite filters the material” with the existing water treatment. The above serial products passes through “the National Ministry of construction water treatment to filter the material examination center” the examination, its each performance index achieves the domestic advanced standard.