本品为棕榈科灌木植物锯叶棕(Serenoa Repens)的果实的白色粉末状提取物产品。具特异气味。 产品规格:25%脂肪酸 检测方法:GC 最小起订量:1公斤 主要成分:含油酸,亚油酸,棕榈酸等脂肪酸。 功效:男性前列腺疾病的预防保健作用。 备注: 通常生长在南北美洲气候炎热的地区,其果实可供药用。锯叶棕油系采用超临界方法从果实中提炼制得,含有油酸、亚油酸等饱和及不饱和脂肪酸,采用药典包合工艺,制成白色粉末状产品,可保证有效成分的稳定性。锯叶棕果的提取物为疗效显著的天然前列腺肥大症治疗剂。锯叶棕提取物具有:(1)有效抑制5a—还原酶活性,减少双氢睾酮生成 拮抗前列腺组织中的雄激素与雄激素受体结合。(2)具有肾上腺素能拮抗作用和钙阻断作用,达到改善膀胱机能,解痉作用。(3)抑制环氧化酶与脂氧化酶的活性,减少白三烯,前列腺素等炎症介质的生成,从而起抗炎,抗水肿作用。(4)特含天然特效杀菌因子——植酸派烯,直接破坏病原体DNA聚合酶,摧毁耐药菌株,绝杀病菌质粒。(5)激活免疫,在尿路粘膜分别产生lgA,lgG,lgC三种免疫抗体,形成三层防护膜,不仅使几年,十几年甚至几十年顽疾一次性彻底治愈,而且真正防止复发!注意事项:孕妇及哺乳期妇女禁用。 The product name:Saw palmetto fruit extractThe standard:25%total fat acidThe color:white powderAnnotations:Saw palmetto is an herb that has been shown in clinical studies to have an important role in maintaining a healthy prostate. Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens, sometimes referred to as sabal in Europe) grows naturally in the southeast United States, including Georgia, Mississippi, and particularly Florida. Saw palmetto is not the only herb that has an influence on the prostate gland. Several other herbs and plant compounds that are potentially useful in maintaining a healthy prostate gland including pygeum, stinging nettle, isoflavones such as genistein and daidzein, rye pollen, phytosterols such as sitosterol, and carotenoids such as lycopene. It appears that urinary symptoms resulting from mild-to-moderate prostate enlargement respond more readily to saw palmetto than symptoms due to severe enlargement. It often takes several weeks or months for the effects of saw palmetto and other herbs to be fully appreciated. Saw palmetto and herbs have fewer side effects than drugs used for prostate enlargement.Precautions: There are no known side effects or health hazards associated with taking this herb. Because of its effect on various hormones, the use of hormones and hormone-like drugs may need to be monitored. Because of its effects on hormones, the use of this herb may not be recommended during pregnancy or breast-feeding. |