一. 货架系列:包括轻型货架、中量型货架,重型货架,托盘式货架,阁楼式货架,悬臂式货架,磨具架,工厂隔断等。
二. 工位器具系列:包括工作台 ,大理石检测台,工具柜,工具车,刀具车,置物柜,文件箱,零件箱,物料整理架等。
三. 流水线系列:包括皮带线,锟筒输送线,pcb板插件线,接驳台,装配流水线,水濂柜等。
四. 搬运设备系列:包括辅助搬运设备,l型手推车,移动式登车桥,固定式升降平台等。
五. pcb配套系列:防静电pcb周转架,pcb周转台车,pcb非标制品等。
六. 周转用品系列:周转箱,塑料托盘,零件盒/物流箱/箱式托盘,仓储笼等。
七. 线棒式柔性系列:线棒配件,线棒产品,复合管,img系列金属接头,hj系列金属接头等。
八. 不锈钢/镀锌系列:不锈钢置物架,不锈钢三层推车,不锈钢工作台,单层手推车,不锈钢安全围篮车,亚克力不锈钢安全车,无尘室衣架,三层不锈钢平板车等。
九. 另外本公司代理进口ukai各式脚轮。
suzhou xin storage logistics co, an excellent domestic for industrial has long been engaged in design,production,selling of work place tool chests,shelf series,logistic apparatus ,specialized pcb equipment of conveying line and vehicle loading bridge ect.based on its professional experience in the field,xinhui provides its customers with complete logistic product service ,which makes many of world 500 strongest enterprises become our customers.
in order to achieve a closer relationship with customers,it provides customers with and specialized service.the workshop of xinhui is located in the center of economic vitalized yangtze river deltasuzhou,with a land occupation of 16650 has independent development mechanism,advanced production equipment,centralized management of after-sale service staff.xinhui is your loyal cooperation partner to consummate your embodiment.we can demonstrate your wise choose by our product and service.