






联系人:戴其和 (请说在中科商务网上看到)






NoiseReduction Rating27Decibels(When Used As Directed)
The Range of Noise Reduction Ratings for Existing Hearing Protectors Is approximately 0 to 30.(Higher Numbers Denote Greater Effectiveness)
Oulijia Electronic.Ji Qiao VillaeChangshuShanghu Town SuzhouCity JiangsuProductEF300
Federal law prohibitsRemoval of this label prior to purchase.EPALABEL REQUIRED BY US EPA REGULATION40 CFR Part 211, SUBPART B.

  Instruction For Use:

  When worn properly and given adequate care, this sound muffler provides excellent protection by filtering out high frequency noise caused by machinery, motors, saws, and gunfire.

  1.Extent headband to maximum “ open” position

  and place the cups over the ears with the

  headband passing over the head.

  2.Settle the headband in position on the head

  while adjusting the height of the ear cups up or

  down until they feel comfortable and the

  headband rests on the top of the head to

  support the muffs.

  3.Make sure that the headband is evenly

  adjusted,left to right. The ear cushion should

  be a snug fit against the head.

  4.Make sure to get as little hair as possible

  between he ear cushions and your head.

  Muffs should be cleaned regularly with soap and



  1.The environmental noise level as measured at the

  ear is 93 dBA.

  2.The NRR is 27 decibels (dB)

  3.The level of noise entering the ear is

  approximately equal to 64.5dBA.


  For noise environment dominated by frequencies below 500 Hz, the C-weighted environmental noise level should be used. Improper fit of this device will reduce its effectiveness in attenuating noise. Although hearing protection can be recommended for protection against the harmful effects of impulse noise, the Noise reduction Rating is Based on the attenuation of continuous noise and may not be an accurate indicator of the protection attainable against impulsive noise, such as gunfire


  The level of noise entering a person’s ear, when Hearing Protector is worn as directed, is closed approximated by the difference between the A-weighted environmental noise and the NRR.

  Electronic Hearing protection Instructions

  Thank you for your purchase of the Oulijia ElectronicEF300 Stereo Hearing Protection. These specially designed over-ear hearing protectors not onlyprotect your hearing from loud sources such as gunfire, but alsoallow youtohear normal conversation, range commands, even the sound of game in the woods. The EF300 features an electronic amplification mechanism that clarifies low pitch sounds, but “shuts down” within milliseconds when sounds above 85 dB occur.

  Instructions for Operation

  1. Turn the switch to the ON position; the

  LED will indicate that the circuitry is on.

  2. Place the EF300 on your head with the

  control mechanism on the right ear.

  3. Adjust the volume until hearing is at a

  normal or comfortable level to meet your


  4. Turn the switch OFF when not in use; the

  LED will go out, indicating that the

  circuitry is off.

  Instructions For Battery Installation or Replacement

  1. Turn the control switch to the OFF


  2. Use a coin in the provided slot at the

  bottom of the cup to pry the ear cushion

  assembly away from the cup that contains

  the control mechanism.

  3. Remove the outer foam baffle. This will

  reveal the batteries (2). Do not disturb the

  white inner baffle.

  4. Remove the discharged batteries.

  5. Insert new batteries, making sure that they

  are installed with negative (flat) end against

  the coil spring.

  6. Replace the outer foam baffle.

  7. Install the ear cushion assembly by

  engaging the top edge first and pressing in

  at the bottom until the assembly snaps into


  Troubleshooting Guide

Fails to turn on1) Replace batteries.2) Make certain batteries are correctly positioned. Adjust spring contact if necessary.

Fails to amplify sound or fails to cut out.Replace the batteries. When the voltage is too low, circuit will not operate.
StaticA broad band microwave device, such as a cell phone, is transmitting within 40 ft.
LED fails tolightCheck switch or batteries.
Hummin orbckgroundniseThe microphone is very sensitive. Ventilation or air-conditioning fans, motors, car or truck traffic, wind etc., and other low-level “ white noise” sounds will be picked up and amplified. Turn down volume to reduce this type of interference.

  How To Replace Battery

  Step 1.Move the cushion

  Step 2.Remove the speaker cover

  Step 3.Remove the batteries-when inserting new batteries make certain that+&-are fitted correctly

  Thank you for choosing this product.