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  佳高SHC400合成冷冻机油系列Gargoyle Arctic SHC424,425,426,427,429冷冻机油批发

  简 介

  佳高SHC400 冷冻机油系列是全合成冷冻压缩机油,用于具有溢流式蒸发器和在低温下与R-22及R-502 须具有很好的相容性的冷冻系列。佳高SHC400 冷冻机油系列是由不含蜡的合成烷基芳香烃组成,具有很高的抗氧化性能和热稳定性,他们在低温下与R-22,R-502的相容性远优于最好的矿物冷冻机油。再加上不含蜡,从而大大的提高了热传递效率,为溢流式蒸发系统的理想润滑油。

  优 点

  佳高SHC400 冷冻机油系列提供如下优点:

  · 具有优异抗磨损性能,及高度化学与热稳定性,因此能维持系统清洁,减少停机次数。

  · 蒸发器无沉积和蜡质形成,令传热效率极佳。

  · 与HCFC 冷冻剂有优异的低温相容性,故可以工作于-60° 的温度下而无堵塞。

  · 使用寿命极长,降低操作成本。

  用 途

  佳高SHC400 冷冻机油系列适用于以卤化物为冷冻剂的往复式及螺杆式压缩机。除非设备制造商特别注明,也可以用于采用其它冷冻剂的系统,如氢,但不可用于采用二氧化硫的系统。佳高SHC400冷冻机油系列与矿物油完全相容,如偶尔混入矿物油,会将本合成油之部分超卓的性能降低,但仍可如常操作。

  Product Description

  Gargoyle Arctic SHC 400 Series are fully synthetic refrigeration compressor lubricants primarily intended for systems with flooded-type evaporators where good miscibility with the refrigerants R-22 and R-502 is required at low temperatures. They are formulated from wax-free synthesized alkylated aromatics which have a very high resistance to oxidation and thermal degradation. Consequently they provide deposit-free service over a wide temperature range. Their low temperature miscibility with R-22 and R-502 refrigerants is significantly superior to that of the best mineral oils. This, together with the absence of wax deposition, which effects heat transfer efficiency, makes them ideally suited for use in systems which have flooded evaporators.


  Gargoyle Arctic SHC 400 Series lubricants offer the following benefits:

  · Reduced downtime because of good antiwear properties and outstanding cleanliness of operation arising from their high chemical and thermal stability.

  · Excellent heat transfer efficiency due to freedom From deposits and wax deposition in evaporators.

  · Excellent low temperature miscibility with HCFC refrigerants allowing use at temperatures below -60°C without oil-plugging.

  · Long service life with trouble-free performance resulting in reduced operating costs.


  Gargoyle Arctic SHC 400 Series lubricants are recommended for reciprocanting or rotary screw refrigerating compressors primarily where halogenated refrigerants are being used. They may also be used with other industrial refrigetrants such as ammonia, provided the equipment manuacturer does not exclude their use. They should not be used however with sulfer dioxide refrigerants. Gargoyle Arctic SHC 400 Series lubricants are completely compatible with mineral oils but admixture will detract from the superior performance properties of the Mobil synthetic products.

产品名称 比重 倾点℃ 闪火点℃ 粘度 (40 ℃ ) 厘斯 粘度 (100 ℃ ) 厘斯 氟氯烷絮凝点℃
美孚佳高 SHC424- 合成冷冻机油 Gargoyle Arctic SHC 424 0.864 -42 162 31.2 4.5 132
美孚佳高 SHC425- 合成冷冻机油 Gargoyle Arctic SHC 425 0.865 -38 180 47.4 5.6 148
美孚佳高 SHC426- 合成冷冻机油 Gargoyle Arctic SHC 426 0.867 -36 186 65.1 6.5 147
美孚佳高 SHC427- 合成冷冻机油 Gargoyle Arctic SHC 427 0.868 -32 206 97 8.1 149