▲可单独使用,也可作为前级泵。can be used alone, and also can be used as prepump.▲ 可用于真空冶炼、真空焊接、真空浇注、真空干燥、化工制药、电真空器件等工业。Can be use in the indusries such as vacuum metallurgy, vacuum welding, vacuum casting, vacuum drying, chemical and pharmaceutical, electric vacuum devices.▲可在环境温度5℃-40℃范围内和进口压强小于1330Pa的条件下,允许长时间连续工作。Long continuous work is enabled under the conditions of environmental temperature 5℃-40℃ and inlet pressure less then 1330 Pa.▲不能抽除含氧过高、有毒的、有爆炸性的、有腐蚀性的、对泵油起化学反应的、含有颗粒尘埃的气体,也不能用作传输泵使用。Can not be used to extract high oxygen, toxic, explosive, corrosive, chemical reaction responding to pump oil and dust contained gases or used as delivery pump.▲在6650Pa到大气压的进口压强下连续工作时间,不得超过3minThe time of continuous work under the inlet pressure of 6650Pa to high atmospheric pressure can be no more than 3 minutes.