The seven subversion
1. Software installation consumption system from the traditional consumption system need to install the software, the traditional patterns of the build server website can easily manage all areas of consumer machines, complete break due to the virus in the system, database, damage, such as hard disk damage cause data loss;
2. Micro letter code consumption
Forgot to bring my card, via cell phone WeChat qr code to the cashier to screen scan can consumption, at this point, you can also support the remaining sum inside card payments support WeChat balance payment;
3. The micro letter top-up
No queue top-up to the accounting office, just through the phone to card prepaid phone with micro letter, this to management not only reduced the human cost, while improving the cardholder experience;
4. The batch top-up, batch subsidies
Traditional consumption machine cannot be achieved without card batch top-up or subsidies, subsidies and reset, and only in the background to black cloud consumption system choose corresponding batch operations can be carried out when the user;
5. The user information directly import
If you currently use any factory consumption machine, just put the original system of user information export Excel form, can be a key import consumption system, easy to complete transfer of user information, including the cardholder name, card deposit, card balance even department no need to input;
6. Allow custom purse number
The demand of the many units have a subsidy, black cloud consumption system is equipped with much more human wallet function, easy to distinguish the purse, wallet, cash subsidies would wallet, purse, etc., with water can realize the special fund is special, can set each wallet spending priorities; Every meal using different wallet etc.;
7. To achieve more restaurants than geographical one cartoon
Choose our consumption system, the head office and branch can achieve a card consumption patterns. Data sharing, corporation finance according to the background data collection branch of prepaid phone, and issuing of branch of consumption.
3. 微信充值
再也无需到财务室排队充值了,只需通过手机微信即可向卡充值,这不仅给管理方减少 了人力成本,同时提高了持卡人体验;