产品名称 | 型号 | 厚度 | 规格 | 包装 |
水溶纸 | ASW-35/S-11 | 0.09mm | 22cm*28cm | 500张/盒 |
水溶纸 | ASW-35/S-14 | 0.09mm | 22cm*36cm | 500张/盒 |
水溶纸 | ASW-35/S-22 | 0.09mm | 43cm*56cm | 500张/盒 |
水溶纸 | ASW-35/R-9 | 0.09mm | 23cm*50m | 4卷/箱 |
水溶纸 | ASW-35/R-15 | 0.09mm | 39cm*50m | 4卷/箱 |
水溶纸 | ASW-40C/R-20.5 | 0.12mm | 52cm*50m | 4卷/箱 |
水溶纸 | ASW-60/S-22 | 0.20mm | 39cm*56cm | 250张/盒 |
水溶纸 | ASW-60/R-15 | 0.20mm | 39cm*50m | 4卷/箱 |
水溶纸 | ASW-60/R-31 | 0.20mm | 79cm*50m | 4卷/箱 |
水溶胶带 | ASW1"/ASWT1 | N/A | 2.5cm*92m | 24卷/箱 |
水溶胶带 | ASW2"/ASWT2 | N/A | 5cm*92m | 12卷/箱 |
Step 1:Clean area to be welded. 对需焊接区域进行清洁。 |
用毛刷对焊接区域进行清洁。 | Clean area to be welded with wire brush. | 使用EZ Wipes®清洁布擦拭焊接区域。 | Wipe area with a saturated cloth - such as EZ Wipes® by Aquasol. Wait approximately two minutes for cleaning agents to evaporate. | 使用EZ Wipes®清洁布粗糙面擦拭管道表面干燥污染物,用光滑面抛光焊接区域表面。 | EZ Wipes® feature a two-sided cleaning fabric, an abrasive side to loosen dried on surface contaminants, and a smooth side to reveal a cleaner, polished surface. |
Step 2:Construct Dam. 构建保护层。 |
将水溶纸贴压在管道内径上印出压痕。 | Trace the pipe's inner diameter onthe paper by pressing against the pipe to create an impression of the pipe. | 将水溶纸剪成直径为管道内径1.3倍的圆形。 | Cut Aquasol® Paper into a circle with a diameter about 1.3 times the inner diameter of the pipe. | 将纸边缘剪开约2.5cm至5cm,不要超过内径。 | Slit approximately 1" to 2" segments perpendicular to impression on paper. Do not exceed inner diameter circle. |
Step 3:Insert Dam and tape in place. 使用胶带将水溶纸贴在适当位置。 |
将水溶纸圆片放入离焊缝约15cm至20cm的位置。 | Insert dam 6-8" from root gap with the lip toward the weld preparation | 用水溶胶带将水溶纸粘贴在管道内。 | Tape dam in place. | 重复第2步,用水溶纸和水溶胶带将管道另一侧封堵。 | Repeat Step 2. Insert and tape dam on opposite pipe. |
Step 4:Introduce gas and weld. 充入氩气进行焊接。 |
用EZ Zone™铝箔胶带粘住焊缝,避免空气流动。 | Cover root gap with EZ Zone™ Tape, a contaminant-free gas retaining tape. | 将助焊气体通过软管从焊缝输入。 | Insert purge gas needle into root gap. Ensure connection to gas line. | 充入氩气开始焊接。 | Introduce noble gas and start welding. |
Step 5:Dissolve Aquasol® Water Soluble Purge Dam. 冲洗管道。 |
用水冲洗,水溶纸立刻溶解。 | Dissolve Aquasol® Water Soluble Purge Dam. |