类别 减速机 齿轮类型 减速机 安装形式 -- 布局形式 -- 齿面硬度 -- 用途 -- 品牌 HUB CITY 型号 RA3 3/1 281 输入转速 --(rpm) 额定功率 --(kw)
输出转速范围 --(rpm) 许用扭矩 ---(N.m)
使用范围 -- 级数 -- 减速比 3
Hub City provides power transmission products for use in recreation, transportation, military, packaging, construction, communication, material handling, medical and food processing equipment.
Over 50% of our products are either modified or completely custom. A company on the leading edge of technology,
we take pride in understanding our customers' needs and in providing cost-effective solutions.
Our success with custom-designed products has inspired one of the most extensive, high quality standard product lines in the industry.
Hub City has the ability to provide standard, modified standard and custom products, no matter how large or small.
Hub City is committed to providing excellent customer service, outstanding quality, fine workmanship and timely delivery
of all Hub City components.