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本公司是一家研发,生产,销售一体的集商业视频显示供应商,清洁设备,机械设备大型综合企业,拥有大批设备研发人员,工程师等专业人才。引进国内外先进设备,生产整套系列监视器,数字标牌,教育显示,清洁机械,清洁工具。从研发,模具制造,装配,安装调试,包装均由本厂专业技术人员自行完成。经过多年的生产及产品在市场的检验,积累了丰富的经验,总结并进行了大量的技术改造,不断推出新产品,以最优秀的产品,最好的服务,提供给所有的客户。力求不断完善体系,进一步扩展全球市场。 The company is a research and development, production and sales of integrated large-scale enterprises, with a large number of equipment R & D staff, engineers and other professionals. Dozens the Size of advanced machinery and equipment, production of the whole range of cleaning machinery, cleaning tools. From R & D, mold making, injection molding, assembly, testing and packaging by the factory of professional and technical personnel to complete. After years of production and inspection of the product in the market, we have accumulated a wealth of experience, summed up and a lot of technological innovation, has introduced a new product, the best products, the best service available to all customers. Continuous effort to improve the system, and further expansion of the global market. 上海垒升实业有限公司实力雄厚,重信用、守合同、保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。