1、 其在内部的骨加上面,往往都是钢结构和膜结构,这样就可以雨棚的作用既可以单独的存在,又要以在建筑物的基础上进行搭建.
1, the internal bone and above, are often steel structure and membrane structure, so it can shed role can be separate existence, but also to build on the base of the building.
2, if it exists alone, is often one of the houses, because in the build time, is very economical, after all be closed, not only can be used as a plant, so now there are many companies in the construction of production base housing, often use this type of building.
3, although the canopy of the building has a very economical, but really in the actual use of the above, and the appearance of it, do not lose in civil buildings.
4、 其在内部的骨加上面,往往都是钢结构和膜结构,这样就可以起到很强的美化性,同时它在封板上面还可以选择透明和不透明两种,这样就可以充足的保证这种雨棚式的厂户有着很充足的阳光。
4, the internal bone and above, are often steel structure and membrane structure, which can beautify sex is very strong, while it is in the sealing plate above can also choose two kinds of transparent and opaque, so you can ensure that sufficient canopy type plant families have a plenty of sunshine.
5, now on a large area of the building, this building is often the use of multiple lighting advantages, can ensure that the whole room has been the sun.