[1] lóngpáo 英文:[dragon robe]皇帝的朝服,上面绣着龙形图案,又称龙衮。因袍上绣龙形图案,故名。其特点是圆领(清朝为圆领)、右衽、黄色,朱色和紫色。此外,龙袍还泛指古代帝王穿的龙章礼服。唐高祖武德年间令臣民不得僭服黄色,黄色的袍遂为王室专用之服,自此历代沿袭为制度。960年,赵匡胤“黄袍加身”,兵变称帝,于是龙袍别称黄袍。
龙袍上的各种龙章图案,历代有所变化 。龙数一般为9条 :前后身各3条,左右肩各1条,襟里藏1条,于是正背各显5条,吻合帝位“九五之尊”。清代龙袍还绣“水脚”( 下摆等部位有水浪山石图案),隐喻山河统一。
清道光 黄缎万字地十二章刺绣龙袍 RMB 805000 2011年6月6日
清嘉庆 香色紗缀绣彩云金龙夹龙袍 HKD 727500 2007年10月9日
清乾隆 黄地织绣十二章龙袍 RMB 672000 2008年6月7日
清乾隆 明黄地绣五彩十二章龙袍 RMB 660000 2005年5月15日
清 蓝地加绣龙袍 RMB 528000 2005年5月15日
Fine porcelain, jade, calligraphy and painting requirements, miscellaneous, selected collection of auction in our company, intends to send goods can be sent to my mailbox in the collection, in order to preliminary screening. Or directly call
Auction collection types:
1 China calligraphy masters: ancient and modern masters of calligraphy and painting, oil painting, gouache paintings and other art forms are not limited, the famous ancient painters and famous paintings, south of the Five Ridges celebrity calligraphy and painting and calligraphy boutique style.
2 fine ceramics: various ancient kiln mouth to the generation of kiln, the song of the five famous kilns, yuan, Ming, Qing porcelain kiln is preferred, Yixing famous purple sand, fine porcelain, Ming and Qing Dynasties folk kilns in Jingdezhen porcelain kilns and boutique, intact, Mao porcelain, Jingdezhen contemporary artists painted porcelain.
3: high jade jade jade, Ming and Qing Dynasties and Hetian jade, jade is a jade carving. Good, fine.
4 miscellaneous elegant: Takeki Sae, the "scholar's four jewels", Tian Huang, Bloodstone, gold and silver, bronze, guqin, rhinoceros horn, stone, ivory, bamboo.
5 Ming and Qing Dynasty furniture: all kinds of material of hardwood furniture, rosewood and Hainan pear as the best.
6 metal ware and bronze statue: (after Zhou Dai), the Ming court or Tibetan Tantric Buddhism Statues and artifacts, exquisite murals, stone Buddha head.
The collection by the authority of Shanghai Dongbo antique Testing Center experts appraisal and valuation and market department audit for preliminary selection
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Antique antique calligraphy and painting - China - - - - - Identification - miscellaneous jade auction transaction - - Exhibition
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