






联系人:张经理 (请说在中科商务网上看到)







  秋拍伊始,素有“风向标”之称的香港苏富比就赢得“开门红”,一件明成化斗彩鸡缸杯以2.81亿港元刷新了中国瓷器拍卖世界纪录,另一件北宋定窑大盌以1.47亿港元位居历年宋瓷第二高位,经历数年的“素、彩之争”终于展开了同台较量,为今年秋拍上演了首场精彩好戏。虽然苏富比亚洲区副主席仇国仕先生强调顶尖的标志性瓷器拍出高价并不代表市场行情,但这场瓷器板块内部的顶级较量,无疑为中国瓷器市场再次崛起推波助澜。十年前,伦敦佳士得推出的“元青花鬼谷子下山图罐”以2.3亿元创下亚洲艺术品最高价位,使得全球的文物界为之一惊,也在中国引起了轩然大波。仅两个月后,香港苏富比推出的“清乾隆 御制珐琅彩‘古月轩’题诗花石锦鸡图双耳瓶”就以1.15亿港元成交。然而好戏才刚刚开始,次年秋拍香港佳士得推出的“清乾隆 御制珐琅彩杏林春燕图碗”再次拍出1.51亿港元的天价。两年后的内地春拍市场,一件来自中贸圣佳的“清乾隆 掐丝珐琅缠枝莲纹多穆壶”更是以9072万元成交,引领内地古董珍玩市场跨入9000万元大关。短短三年时间,中国瓷器拍卖市场不仅频繁突破亿元,还带动内地的瓷器市场突破九千万元大关,使得瓷器板块占据了古董珍玩前十位高价榜单的半数名额,这难道能说与上述天价拍品所带来的市场效应无关吗?“元青花 鬼谷子下山图罐”的天价成交,无疑引领了中国的瓷器拍卖市场进入高价时代。

  时至2009年春拍,来自北京翰海的“清雍正 粉彩福寿双纹盘”再次夺得内地古董珍玩拍卖市场首位。而此年秋拍,同样来自北京翰海的“清乾隆 青花海水红彩龙纹八吉祥如意耳葫芦瓶”以8344万元的高价独占鳌头,中国内地拍卖公司凭借瓷器拍品首次登上中国古董珍玩榜单魁首。此年春、秋两季,中国古董珍玩前十名高价榜单中,瓷器分别以七席和六席的绝对优势,成为中国古董珍玩拍卖市场当之无愧的主力军。

  2010年,“元青花 鬼谷子下山图罐”创下的世界纪录被清乾隆时期的洋彩瓷器打破,瓷器市场迎来了“素、彩之争”的巅峰之战。此年秋拍,来自香港苏富比的“清乾隆 浅黄地洋彩锦上添花万寿连延图长颈葫芦瓶”以2.52亿港元问鼎,来自同场的“清乾隆 御制珐琅彩祥云瑞蝠开光式四季花卉图纸槌瓶”也获得1.4亿港元的高价。而同场香港佳士得推出的“清乾隆 青花胭脂红料双凤戏珠纹龙耳扁壶”以1.24亿港元成交。在清代彩瓷的引领下,中国瓷器拍卖市场迎来单季最好成绩,在该门类前十名榜单中,瓷器仍以五席的优势占据半壁江山。

  2011年,玉器、木制器两大板块强势崛起,成为瓷器的重要竞争者。此年春拍,“清乾隆御制珐琅彩‘古月轩’题诗‘锦鸡花石’图胆瓶”与“乾隆时时报喜转心瓶”两件估价过亿元的拍品遭遇“滑铁卢”,严重影响了瓷器乃至整个古董珍玩门类的高价位市场,也使得势头猛进的高端彩瓷收藏信心倍减。但纽约苏富比推出的“粉彩开光锦上添花纹瓶”还是以1.18亿的高价,引领了当季中国古董珍玩门类拍品,使得瓷器在该门类前十位中仍占据六席的绝对优势。此年秋拍,极富市场经验的国际巨头苏富比在香港市场转变策略,隆重推出的“明永乐宣青花如意垂肩折枝花果纹梅瓶”不负众望,以1.68 亿港元刷新了明代瓷器拍卖世界纪录,中国瓷器拍卖市场的第二次“素、彩之争”开始上演。

  Fine porcelain, jade, calligraphy and painting requirements, miscellaneous, selected collection of auction in our company, intends to send goods can be sent to my mailbox in the collection, in order to preliminary screening. Or directly call

  Auction collection types:

  1 China calligraphy masters: ancient and modern masters of calligraphy and painting, oil painting, gouache paintings and other art forms are not limited, the famous ancient painters and famous paintings, south of the Five Ridges celebrity calligraphy and painting and calligraphy boutique style.

  2 fine ceramics: various ancient kiln mouth to the generation of kiln, the song of the five famous kilns, yuan, Ming, Qing porcelain kiln is preferred, Yixing famous purple sand, fine porcelain, Ming and Qing Dynasties folk kilns in Jingdezhen porcelain kilns and boutique, intact, Mao porcelain, Jingdezhen contemporary artists painted porcelain.

  3: high jade jade jade, Ming and Qing Dynasties and Hetian jade, jade is a jade carving. Good, fine.

  4 miscellaneous elegant: Takeki Sae, the "scholar's four jewels", Tian Huang, Bloodstone, gold and silver, bronze, guqin, rhinoceros horn, stone, ivory, bamboo.

  5 Ming and Qing Dynasty furniture: all kinds of material of hardwood furniture, rosewood and Hainan pear as the best.

  6 metal ware and bronze statue: (after Zhou Dai), the Ming court or Tibetan Tantric Buddhism Statues and artifacts, exquisite murals, stone Buddha head.

  The collection by the authority of Shanghai Dongbo antique Testing Center experts appraisal and valuation and market department audit for preliminary selection

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  Asia art team gold medal - committed to service China art career!

  Senior antiques Broker: History Manager

  - professional art auction antique antique appraisal auction.

  Antique antique calligraphy and painting - China - - - - - Identification - miscellaneous jade auction transaction - - Exhibition

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  Professional antique antique assessment, buyers club (privately), sales, collection, investment, mergers and acquisitions