PU无尘花纹靠背椅(带脚踏圈)椅面:PU发泡一次成型防静电带花纹防滑椅座面,颜色:黑色尺寸:椅座420*400MM,椅背:380*260MM可调高度范围:约600-800MM(配330或280型气杆)带脚踏圈,表面电阻率:10E6-10E8欧配置:钢镀铬五星脚,椅脚半径280MM(可配铝合金五星脚),高强度耐磨尼龙脚轮(脚杯),金属导电链,脚踏圈上海奥旭金属制品有限公司成立于2003年,位于上海嘉定黄渡工业园区,厂房面积10000多平米,拥有数台先进数控剪折冲设备及焊接设备。销售服务遍及于中国、日本、韩国、欧美等地区,产品在国内外市场上享有良好的信誉,深受客户青睐。作为国内同行中优秀的专业生产型企业之一,奥旭拥有一支技术精湛的专业设计队伍,他们拥有多年从事产品设计与制造的能力,累积了丰富的空间储存设备设计、制造与销售经验,能为客户提供完整的物流、作业空间规划及储存方式等解决方案。公司的每个环节与制作工艺均按ISO9001 : 2000标准严格执行。使产品具备专业化、柔性化、合理化、单元化、通用化、系统化的特点,以确保奥旭的产品开发和技术上始终保持领先。
奥旭员工奉行“进取 求实严谨 团结”的方针,不断开拓创新,以技术为核心、视质量为生命、奉用户为上帝,竭诚为您提供性价比最高的产品、高质量的工程设计改造及无微不至的售后服务,为物流设备行业开创美好的明天。Shanghai Auxu Metal Producing Co , Ltd, (established in 2003) designs, manufacturesmachining and sales industry storage and logistic equipment from standard equipmentto customizing to big operations. We have made good relationship with more than 200 companies and many manufactories with the tenet of equal operation,reciprocity and development together in last year. Scientific management guarantees thecompany continual development.There are about 200 employees in the company. Auxu storage is accepted by many famous companies,including top 500 . So far most foreign companies of Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Chongqing, Dalian , Qingdao, Guangdong and Jiangxi are the clients.The company established R&D department according rapid logistic in 2004. Clients can customize kinds of storage shelves , warehouse and many implements such as toolbox , tool cart, operating platform, storage cage, pushcart , work bin and so on.Size, inner deployment and color can be changed according customers requirements. We will supply the most economic and optimized solutions by developing products , improving technique and perfect after service.Company tenet is never satisfying present and helping clients design perfect warehouse solution. We are experienced in warehouse system.Our product characteristic is professional, excellent, beautiful and useful.Operation philosophy: manufacture excellent products and provide satisfied service.Our advantage: high quality, low price and strong technique support.Our promise : satisfy clients by strict quality management and perfect after service.