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  爱芬乐是专业经营来自希腊地中海优质和健康食品、天然护肤品及手工艺品的连锁店,目的是为中国时尚人群和国际人士带来健康、长寿和活力。爱芬乐信奉“the best from Greece”:在原汁原味、优质、健康、独特中感受浪漫和奇妙!爱芬乐目前拥有会员近4千名,作为会员可以享受的权利:1.可在全国爱芬乐连锁店享受折扣(8.5至7.5折)2.可在所有Milos希腊连锁餐厅享受8.5折(包括酒水)3.可在 “My Odyssey”希腊奢华高端旅游享受贵宾折扣(可通过爱芬乐报名) 爱芬乐准备飞翔: 2011:上海10家连锁店,开创了十多个地区和城市新市场,E-shop成立并成为多家五星级酒店和餐厅的合作伙伴。 2015:将有横跨中国大陆的两百多家爱芬乐连锁店(调换顺序),以及更多的合作伙伴!爱芬乐十大类产品:一 橄榄系列产品 Greek Olives Products二 海产品 Mediterranean Sea Food三 葡萄酒 Greek Vine Products四 希腊奶酪 Greek Dairy 五 希腊烈酒 Greek Spirits 六 希腊民族传统产品 Greek Traditional Food and Spices七 希腊小吃和咖啡 Greek Snacks and Coffee八 希腊蜂蜜和果酱 Greek Honey and Jam九 自然护肤品 Nature Skin Care 十 自制产品 H-Made ProductsAmphora is a unique chain of specialty stores which brings urban chinese and foreigners in China the Best and Healthiest productsfrom Greece and the Mediterranean world for a longer ,healthier and more vigorous life! Authentic, Mediterranean, Premium, Healthy , One-of-a-kind, Romantic, Amazing ..!VIP MEMBERS: Our selected VIPs can enjoy various benefits and discouts at Amphora stores, Milos Restaurants and our upscale travel to Greece…AMPHORA IS EXPANDING RAPIDLY:2011: 10 Amphora Stores in Shanghai, selectively in other Cities, E-shops, Premium Hotels & Restaurants. 2015 Plan: 200+Amphora Stores across China E-Shops, Premium Hotels & Restaurants.