4OXV CiTiceL
Oxygen (O2) Gas Sensor
Part Number: AAY80-390
Key Features and Benefits:
• False alarm immunity
• Enhanced response time in extreme applications
• Reliably meets stated life
• Superior environmental performance
Technical Specifications
Measurement Range:1-25% vol. O2
Maximum Overload:30% vol. O2
Output Signal:0.10 ± 0.02 mA in Air
Response Time (T90):<15 Seconds
Zero Current (Offset):<0.6% vol. O2
Linearity:Can be considered linear in many cases.
See Operating Principles (OP-02) for further details.
Recommended Load Resistor:100Ω
Casing Material:ABS
Weight:<16 g
Orientation Sensitivity:<0.2% vol. O2 equivalent
Operating Temperature Range:-20°C to +50°C (up to 3 mon continuous across RH range)
Recommended Storage Temp:0°C to 20°C
Thermal Transient(Temp. plunge +22°C to -20°C):<23.5% vol. O2
Operating Pressure Range:-20°C
Pressure Coefficient(60 cm H2O step change):<200% signal change
Relative Humidity Range:(at 0°C to 20°C)
Continuous:5 to 95%RH non-condensing
Short Term:0 to 99%RH non-condensing
Long Term Output Drift:<2% signal/month
Typically <5% over operating life
Expected Operating Life:Minimum 24 months in air
Storage Life:6 months in original packaging
Warranty Period:24 months from date of despatch
Product Dimensions:
Obstruction of the vent hole will compromise performance, and must be avoided. Do not remove label.
Adequate free volume should be provided below the sensor to ensure full performance.
All tolerances ±0.15 mm unless otherwise stated.DO NOT solder to pins.
All performance data is based on conditions at 20ºC, 50% RH and 1013 mbar.