深圳市三立光通讯有限公司 大量供应 HP81010BL HP81001FF JDSU 适配器 agilent/安捷伦/hp 81000FA\ 81000NI&81000FI \81000KA、81001KA、81000NI、81000FI、HP81000BA裸纤适配器、81000FA 81000PA 81000KA 81000VA 81624DD等等等 光纤连接器 配件,欢迎与我联系。
Threaded Head Adapter
(Threaded adapter for 8152x Optical Heads, 8162x Optical Heads with 81624DD and High Power Optical Heads)
81000FA - FC/PC Connector Adapter
81000KA - SC Connector Adapter
81000PA - E-2000 Connector Adapter
81000VA - ST Connector Adapter
81003LA - LC Connector Adapter
Plug-in D-Shape Adapter
(Plug-in D-Shape Adapter for 8162x Optical Heads
doesn't match to 8152x and High Power Optical Heads)
81001FA - FC/PC Connector Adapter
81001KA - SC Connector Adapter
81001LA - LC Connector Adapter
81001MA - MU Connector Adapter
81001PA - E-2000 Connector Adapter
81003TD - MPO/MTP Connector Adapter
81001ZA - Blank Adapter
Plug-in D-shape adapter for 8162x Optical Heads
To be customized by customer
Doesn't match to 8152x and High Power Optical Heads
81624DD - D-shape Adapter
To connect threaded adapters to 8162x D-shape receptable