订做锦屏水电站导漂排入水口拦污系统包括作为主悬索的锚链,连接在主悬索上的多个浮箱,悬挂在浮筒下部的拦污网,以及安装在拦污网下部的坠子;所述浮筒上套装有浮筒紧箍,该浮筒紧箍通过“U”形吊环连接在锚链上;所述锚链位于拦污网上游侧。 To solve the barges Trash row, rope and cables Trash Trash row or rows of the presence or the presence of too high cost of long-lived or have security is not high; the chain suspension Trash row including as a suspension of primary chain, a plurality of pontoons attached to the main suspension, the suspension in the lower part of the pontoon Trash network, and installed in the lower part of the net Trash pendant; on the pontoon pontoon sleeved confining the pontoon tight hoop by "U" shaped rings attached to the chain; the chain located Trash online travel side. 水电站导漂排拦污效果好,使用寿命长,安全性高。 Trash the present invention, the effect is good, long life, high safety.